Monday is over! :D
And that was because Mondays have really been the tiring days,I swear. Besides that,to Kak Lynn's place after shower.It was raining heavily therefore I decided to stay put.And hanging around with Abang Apit can never get better.I played around with niece,he was cooking.He eat,I watched teevee.I watched teevee,he watched teevee too.I covered my face with pillow to sleep,he said I was scared to watch the movie.He went to lala land,I watched teevee alone.That was because of his medicine side effect therefore I didn't have the heart to pillow fight him.Then I went to lala land awhile after he did and the teevee watched us.If the sofa could talk,it would have ask us to get lost cause we both landed on the same sofa.Till Raiyan had to be our alarm clock this evening,shouting his lungs out after the afternoon nap.Not a while later,Kak Lynn & Abang Dean got home from work.Prayed,and I headed for home and Abang Apit resume sleeping in his room. Tomorrow Kak Lynn's coming over,if weather allows.And these little things which I looked forward to,have been things that gave me the encouragement to go for work and end it fast daily..Cause today,I thought that my passion for studies in nursing life went away.Like Fatin,I can't wait to end everything.So Please,bless me always. May Peace Be Upon You. (: Labels: Brother Sister Nephew Niece Aunt Uncle And Tabitha Nicole's is turning 20 soon! :D Oh Hello Bunnies! 3 weeks of attachment ended and 25th July is over too.Yesterday's family gathering was awesome.But damn! It was tiring,really.Till I dose off for 2 hours in the middle of the function.Heh.Many came unexpectedly,especially those cousins who has gone,I don't know where all these while.Super surprised to see them and yeah,it was a nice feeling afterall.Lol.And just one thing I don't like is always on this kinda day,the time will go like rocket.Pretty annoying eh! Haha.I too managed to grab hold of a number of little brats.Very nakal.Very cute.Very annoyinhg too.And yeah,Kak Lynn & Abang Dean was the last to make a move,as usual.Pretty sweet. (: Then come to today,Xabi was being handsome.While Torres was being pretty adorable.Heh.:D While tomorrow,a morning shift for work.Then a need to Kak Lynn's place. Besides that... God Bless.Goodnight Bunnies. (: Pictures of yesterday, http://raifanakiid.multiply.com Labels: Baby Izz Rusyaidi ![]() ![]() ![]() I went out yesterday after the seven days of home-stay.I bought two nursing watch yesterday for work.I met girlfriends yesterday for hair-do.And I stayed out yesterday till early morning for entertainment. Maybe...once in a while of these doesn't kill laa ehh. (: Oh! Also yesterday,I wore my Simple Plan t-shirt out,being ubeeeer slack.Haha! Yeah.What I did yesterday was to meet girlfriends,had dinner then out for some night life after so long.Ice Age 3 3D show ended early,or maybe we were a little late therefore couldn't catch it.Had games at arcades and also few games of pool,which I think (I think laa) I am improving on my skills.Heh.Then last was to have super damn early breakfast.Lol. Then got home,showered,and travelled to dream land. Nothing much today.I only watched Abang Apit winning on teevee.Awesome laa ehh that Abang Body! Hah. So next on list is Monday,new work environment.Then Friday cause it is like... TGIF?! Theeeeeen,Saturday,family gathers! Weeeeeeehoooo! Excited uhh! Hehe. Today I was woken up by Mr Handsome's text message.He's doing well in TTSH with the year ones.Then next was my Clinical Practice Lecturer who called.A while later another text message from another Lecturer from school.And at the end of it,I received a message from Singtel.Lol.Tak penting eh! (: 16th of July is here already.I am looking forward to 20th July.Then 25th July.Also 9 & 10 August.20th August for fasting season.Ehh? Urr..Early september,come soon please.I want to end attachment.After that,Raya! Wooohoooo! :D Besides all the fast forward-ing of time,I need to have a shower now.Heh.Shuddup! Oh! Did I mention... 6.5 days gone,0.5 day to go. (: Chao! BirthDates. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY,2ND BROTHER! (: My friendship with Bestfriend starts as early as Primary One, which also means that I had this Brother as early as seven years old. Till today,I've grown up to be more close to him,knowing him better. I don't ask for much, Just for him to start afresh,is enough. I wish. And yesterday was Daddy's,Bestfriend's Dad. HAPPY BELATED DADDY! (: I am not as close but I'll pray for you like how I pray for my own Dad. Bless Me. (: Summaries today,off course I didnt go anywhere.And I wokap real late also which result me in sleeping for more than twelve hours.Heh.I had KFC's meltz for lunch.I too,had my chocolate ice blend which Sister bought for me together with the KFC food.Then a little bit of help out with Mum's baking.Nonetheless,tomorrow is another day rotting at home. Counting still...3 days down,4 more to go. Goodnight.
Either news or informations,it will just be one after another. Till today,when one infected,tens affected. Feel it? Work started only on Monday,yet today,a Friday on the same week,work turned to a break for us.An afternoon shift today but was called not to attend work due to certain reasons.So back to bed,I went. I am feeling a little bit dissapointed today.First was that,then second is this.Maybe because with what Nicole told me,I just felt dissapointed.I've never had a this kinda thing in life,yet today,I notice that I've known someone who is terribly annoying.Anyways,thank you Nicole.I appreciate the words you said.People never tend to appreciate what they're given,I guess.I just know that I do. (: Besides all these,I miss Abang Apit. I need to remind him things personally. And I don't know when he's flying. Wanted to find him this weekend but everything went wrong. And that's when you say,we can't predict the future... Agree? Lol. 1 day down,6 more to go. Goodnight. Caller: "Hello! Urr..I'm calling from SCDF,Singapore Civil Defence Force." Caller: "May I speak to Raifana please?" Me: "Oh! Yes! Raifana Speaking." Caller: "Hi Raifana,we're calling regarding some medic things, can I have 5 mins of your time please?" Me: "Ermm..can I know if you're calling from Ubi SCDF Headquaters?" Caller: "EFA!!! Tengah buat ape? Heh." And that was a midnight call I received from a SCDF headquaters.An example behaviour of my hometown boys! Veeeeery annoying! In the middle of the night,on night duty,doing nothing but to waste the headquater's phone bill.The least I could do was to play along with the act.Lol.Then a while later,it was Danny's phonecall.Indeed she was again having fun with Syu & Syed.And I appreciate every call of theirs even how annoying it is. That was yesterday night after shower,getting home late night,from a day out with family.Went to so many places and I told Baby Izz that he went so many countries (inside joke eh).From home,to car,to checkpoint and then destinations...all we had with us was laughters.And that is what everyone is earning for,right? Coming to today,I was woken up by Kak Lynn's text message,telling that she's on her way to my place.She did storeroom cleaning yesterday and decided to give Raiyan's unused old-look-new things to Baby Izz,in other words,passing down of things from cousin to cousin.So sweeeet! Heh.Like always,I had to go down when Abang Dean's car arrived at void deck,taking all the things up as they are heading for an invitation in the east side.Therefore I couldn't even spend time with the kids.Nyeeeeh! Then tomorrow,I'll be resuming with work at hospital.The worst annoying thing ever! Or maybe I should learn to love my job..Ehh? Lol. Now,he was born in 1990 and he returned in 2009... Late Heairil Zurhelmy,May God Bless You Always! Rest In Peace. I still cannot upload pictures.And I really have no idea why. Whatever it is,Class C didn't get to have dinner today cause of Mr Handsome who was being quarantine.Manilla,or maybe Phillippine wasn't one of the listed country and I have no idea why he was quarantined.Yet someone told me he went Tampines Mall the other day.Hmpf! Ridiculous person! Lol.Also,I am hoping for him to be always healthy! I know he misses us already.Heh. Everything seems fine today besides feeling lethargic.Picked Alyssa from school early afternoon then headed home with her.We watched teevee till both dropped dead at sofa.Woken up by Abang Apit's touch & kisses as he was going out already.It has been a habit to do that before going out.Then the moment he said 'bye!' and locked the gate,we dropped dead again.It ended till Aunt got home and Alyssa was still sleeping.Raiyan woke up from his afternoon nap,had dinner and we played around before his shower.Kak Lynn called from work as usual asking about situation at home and reminded me to eat before going home.The whole afternoon,I only ate London Swiss Roll with Khairul.Bibik reminded me again to eat but I wasn't hungry though.Then Aunt talked about going to Jakarta,which sounded so niceeee! Tsk! Nevermind.Now I am looking forward to end attachment at IMH,then for 25th of July when family gathers at home.It'll be so much fun cause I have always love people coming over to my place.Hee.And! I hope Abang Apit and aunt will be back from Jakarta before the date in order to attend the gathering as said & promised. Alright! Now,I shall head to bed. Tomorrow starts as early as 9 in the morning. It'll be a family day out just without 3rd sister around. Sleep tight bunnies! (: A Wednesday and as usual went stadium for running.I had London Choco Roll for breakfast,and amazingly,sayur kangkong for lunch! Heh.Cool or what! Im eating vegieees! Okay then I also had peace doing my own things today without disturbance by anyone.Decided to walk home again when I saw a geek in Pink! Very Hot from far..walking with guitar,had geeky specs on while listening to Ipod.But not till the next moment I saw my aunt in front of me smiling widely,confirming that the geek in Pink was none other than the Abang Body (Abang Apit).Lol.Another annoying scenario eh! Chatted with aunt for a moment while she was waiting for him to be out from carpark with car.I went off before he came out from carpark therefore he shocked me with his loud horn,just to wave.Kinda annoying but pretty sweet of him.And I was being pathetic for not recognising my own cousin.Terrible! Besides that,nothing much today.I wanted to upload a photo for this post but no idea why I couldn't.I had a haircut hours ago..and wanted to show my new hairstyle here on blog.But the net is being annoying so I could not upload any photos.It's okay,will try again some other time alright.Oh Gosh! I'm reminded. Tomorrow starts the nursing life again.For the next 9 weeks,I'll be a Missy again.God Bless! And one more thing! I don't know what's with the word 'annoying'. It sounds annoying too.Lol. Till here,Chao! :D Home sweet home after a day spent out there.Had milk for breakfast.Then had a moment of workout with a no idea why I didn't have a full good mood today. I gave a dull face when Abang Apit was joking around with his daily annoying actions.Right after I ended everything,I dropped by his place,appearing at his gate and even before I greeted,he greeted me with... " takpe kak,saye taknak beli ape-ape yang kakak jual tu.. ". Get me? He was terribly annoying! I then missed my lunch,headed for harbourfront to meet Bestfriend and 2nd Brother. Had dinner together before meeting Abang Andy. It was already evening so we took a cab to Serangoon North as 2nd Brother wouldn't want to be late for his takraw game. Bestfriend didn't tag along cause she wanted to settle her things first before heading home. Met 3rd Brother also and off we went meeting the rest of the boys. It was eight in the evening when one after one bike came for the takraw game.Like always,meeting them has never not make me laugh out loud.Mohd Khalid with his annoying face.3rd Brother with his "We Fight What You Fear" (fire-fighter) shirt,forever.Iskandar,my dragon,with his school stories.2nd Brother who didn't finish his food today,amazingly.Abang Andy with his new shoe.Abang Alep who was hurt even before 1 full game,with Khalid being the macam paham medic. Abang Rashidi who gives cute reasonable reasons when he's late.Saifullah,someone whom I have not met for so lonnng.And the rest for being talkative and making mischievious actions! And also the takraw ball for hitting me hardest at my foot! Thanks eh! Early morning I felt moody,yet I am home feeling good all over again. And I notice I don't have to be with girlfriends all the time to cheer me up. Cause I know,sometime all I need are these brothers of mine. Now Im Happy,You Should Be Happy Too. Oh! Mark Bonafide's showcase this thursday... Not decided on it yet. But anyways,Happy Birthday Mark! :D |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |