![]() Doing workouts has been my routine these holidays.And today,I begin my day with it again,just like every other weekdays of mine.But today's difference was,I woke up a bit late therefore everything started late too. I used to think that doing everything alone was boring yet now I am doing everything by myself,going everywhere on my own.Day by day,the thought I had,disappeared cause despite being alone,I enjoyed every moment of it.I felt free to do whatever I wanted as though it is a carefree life.And very much,I am enjoying it now,I don't know about later. Like always,I met Abang Apit without having to find him.Just that I got there earlier than he did today,and also I was praised for being hardworking.Only he knows why.Heh.A while later when we were busy with our workouts,someone new came into the picture,I mean,the environment.He's someone quite well known,urr,not really I shall say cause I just see him as a typical malay boy.Nothing much attractive,neither talent nor characteristic.Knowing how I would react when I see that boy's face,Abang Apit did something to embarrased me.And that boy reacted as though he was some hot thing on earth,giving a smile,or laughter,maybe,which doesnt sound like it.I can't be bothered and was just busy saving my little hand from Abang Apit's hard grip to pull me to him.Annoying! And due to the fun I had with him,we ended workout quite late today. Back home and I remembered telling Mum days back that I'll be out today but in the end I felt lazy so me,mum,sisters & brother decided to visit a grandma of ours then we headed for late dinner at Lot 1.Mum randomly sang a song which she heard on tv while watching "Musang Berjangut" yesterday.Then not a while later in bus,it was 1st sister's turn to sing out loud like one crazy fella.And her husband can't do anything but to laugh and laugh and laugh at her annoying actions. When we alighted from the bus,it was mine and 3rd sister's turn to sing,but before that,we asked Mum how the song goes in order to imitate her.We walked home happily in fact,like thoe in storybooks of fairytales. And I realised I had fun even though some people were being directly annoying, like sister & Abang Apit. Therefore I wish to enjoy every single day of mine, with these people around me everyday. They just make me feel good. And I think at certain times,I need people to be around me. To my late Grandma,May God Bless you Always. Everyting happens for a reason. Im sorry but, I know it kills to live with the children you have. That is why I'm wondering,what's next? ![]() A sunday,a family day.The night before had bestfriend's company as she started her first day of work in the west.2am it was as we ended surfing the net.Chitted chatted with a motive to sleep but we just couldn't shut our eyes and go to dream land.Therefore we ended sleeping when the clock ticked four times,telling that it is already 4 in the morning. Rise & Shine the next morning! In fact,it was already noon.Had 2 hours of spring cleaning then shower and send bestfriend off as she has a netball game in the afternoon.As usually,cartoons not to be missed before eating late lunch-cum-early dinner.And being a lazy brat,I fell asleep while listening to musics.Not a while later woken up by Kak Lynn's message telling that she's at corridor.And the text message was a replacement for my not working bell.Annoying! Lil Raiyan was being handsome with his polo tee while Lil Alyssa,was being pretty with her gown.Like every other sunday,they just got back from an invitation and dropped by,at the same time to visit Baby Izz.Teevee,dinner,prayers and last was shower before going home.Alyssa had my Cinderella perfumed sprayed on her as hers was at home,and she does that after every shower,to tell everyone that she's fresh and clean.Then she'll come to me,sniff & say.. " Auntie smelly! ". Hah! Sucha typical adorable kid.And school is resuming tomorrow,which means I have nomore friends to play around with.That is pathetic! I hope the next Sunday would be as great as today,just before I begin working. Maybe I should look for Abang Apit soon. Yeaaah,that is it. Sleep tight honeys. (: Yet another day woken up by the lil baby's cry.It is getting louder and louder day by day.Not annoying,but pretty adorable.And today's visit to market was postponed to tomorrow morning as Mum was unwell.So I can't sleep late today,Sister will whack me if I don't wekap tomorrow.If not,Mum will nag.It's a standard procedure for me. (: Then today,Sister & I ate my huge packet of Ruffles which Brother bought for me yesterday,with mayonaise and bestfriend who slept over,was amazed with the way I eat which I have no idea why.Watched few dramas and films on teevee then had my morning shower at 330pm.I know,I know! Bad habit eh! But yes! That was before I headed down to Kak Lynn's place,for human hunt! Indeed it was easy hunting,I found,errr..no,more appropriate is bumped,yes! I bumped into Abang Apit at lift when I myself didn't notice him.His voice just appeared out of nowhere.And there we go,headed up to house together! My arrival,I think was a disturbance to Ryan's afternoon nap,as he cried the moment I stepped in.And Abang Apit was irritating him by laughing at the lil boy,cause he has an infected lip which made him look weird and cries more. Poor kid.So I decided to play around to cheer him up,which I did! Sucha sweet auntie I am.I know,Heh. Later in the evening,all adults were home from work.And like others,today's news was about Late MJ.Therefore Abang Dean,Abang Apit & I sat right in front of teevee for news,but just to get a very minimal info about it.Like I said to them,TV3 is always better than their E-NEWS! And I never failed to annoy people.Gees! Then then,it was late and I decided not to wait for Kak Lynn to get home cause she texted that she'll be home late.Satisfied having fun,reminded the brothers about my house event next month,I went home to catch my daily Indonesia drama,Cinta Fitri. (: Almost half a day spend at their place with nothing to do but play around most of the time.Cause I know,when my work season begins,and the kids are back to school,I won't have the time for this again.So yeaaaa! That has been my day for today.Awesome like every other day! :D And for Late MJ,The Star of Pop! May God Bless You Always! R.I.P to beach & mall, but it kinda slipped off my mind.heh. Well,I think facebook has done the job. LOL. (: Oh jyeaaah! I went for Transformer with sister,brother & bestfriend. It was awesome! And and! I've got a Ice Age 3 bottle.Gees! (: Besides that,I have been telling myself to sleep early, which doesn't work that much. Holiday is ending,shift working hours is coming. It has been a habit to sleep for 12 hours everyday, so when I start working,I won't be able to afford it. Therefore,I need more than 12 hours of sleep now. I mean,before work season begins.Haha! Then tomorrow,first thing in the morning is to babysit. A lil bit of teeve,after that to meet Abang Apit. Or maybe i shall say,to find him.Haha! Right after that,I don't know what to do. Hang around with the kids maybe..? Heh. Okay like I said,I must learn to sleep early. Therefore,Sleep tight Lovelies! (:
Weeehoo! Know what?I am supposed to read up my nursing handbook.. but I just felt as though I can't be bothered. And I was told to sacrifice and work hard if I want success. Seeing me now,full of laziness...tsk! Like no hope sehhh! Nevermind,maybe I should listen to my cousin and believe in myself. Ehhh?! Hahaha! Whatever laa Raifana! Lol. Oh! Holidays is ending! Goshhh! And today,I stayed home doing nothing besides watching teevee. I did no workout,I played no sports. I just went sweetalk,for a chocolate ice blend.Heh. :D Tomorrow,I have an interview in school. I am wishing it will go well, cause I have no nursing knowledge in mind for now.Haha! Hopefully some will drop by tomorrow. Then Thursday,Transformerrrs! Yeaaah,with sister & brother. Brother wanted a morning movie.. which I aint sure of waking up early.Lol. But! I won't miss it,for sureee! Hehe. Friday,gym-ing & visiting Abang Apit a while. Or maybe I shall say,a trip to my second home! Ahaaaha! Oh! One random thing.. I Love Kak Lynn & I bet she loves me too. :D Next is Saturday and I have no idea cause I was invited for 2 events. And I dont know which to go for cause if I were to go for both, I definitely have to rush! And that is a No No! It's tiring! Yaaaaaiks! Heh. Then when Sunday comes,it will be another set of week. An ending week for holidays which is a Boooooo! Therefore,I need to meet most possible friends I could. So yeeeaaah,I'll see you when I see you mate. Chao! (: Not till it became an arguement. I need my sunshines to cheer me up now. I hate this horrible feeling. Will someone somehow get me away from this? A friday today,and I can't be bothered with the coming weekends. Know why? Cause I have no idea what I'll be doing! My body is totally aching!!!! Lol. Okay! Let's move on! I can't remember what I did on Monday & Tuesday. I know I went doing workouts on Wednesday,Thursday & Friday. Yes! Amazingly,I could make it for 3 days straight. And yes! I think I am having a second home soon, because I have been to Kak Lynn's place for the past 3 days! Accompanying the kids and also chitted chatted with Abang Apit. That is how my time was spent this week. Nothing could be better for now. Ahahaaaha! Oh! Did I mention? Bestfriend met Abang Apit yesterday & today in fact. He appeared before us,so yeaaa! Shall say,bestfriend has luck on her for these 2 days.Ahaaa! Nothing is exciting, just that I didnt notice that my abang sedare looks quite hot. Lol.Okay let's stop! :D About tomorrow? I think I'll just go with the flow of what's coming ahead. Hehe. And I guess that is all for now. Sweet dreams Lovelies! Toodles! (: Haluuuuu! (: My time has been spent going around with her, which I am,yes! I am..enjoying veeeeery much! :D And then we went back to her place for a night. Oh! Finally,I get to meet the hometown boys.. especially Mohd Khalid! Me & bestfriend were gossiping about him, just to know that he is somewhere near us.Lol. So yeaaa,hanged around just a lil while with them before heading home. And,no,they have not changed. (: And theeeeeen! Had Mac's breakfast before heading for workout. Like the day before, bumped into Abang Apit again! ahaaaa. (: Oh Oh! I spot a abang body who kept looking at bestfriend! And it was damn scaaaaaary! Ahahaaaaaahahaaa! Sorry Bestfriend! Who asked you to be so selenger?! (inside joke) :D Nothing new ehhhh.Always forever these kids. Brought bestfriend to their place,to know that Kak Lynn was on MC. Spend a lil time there,in fact,quite sometime there.. while bestfriend had to rush for her interview. I couldnt tag along cause I need to get some stuff for 1st sister. Sorry Sid! Thanks for the bubbletea anyways! (: Kak Lynn decided to go along wimme to Jurong Point. So thereeee we go! She teman me go get 1st sister stuff, while I teman her to get her household stuff. ahaahaha. And this picture,they were sitting in the NTUC trolley! I know,I was being random and took their picture in the mid of nowhere. Lol. And that is it for today. I shall go to bed now! Tired,very tired. Goodnight sweetpies! (: * i miss hasmidah hamid! *
Woke up real early today headed for running with Shahlyshah. Weather was playing round with the sun keep glaring on and off. Then had some workouts cause I didnt had any for the last 1 month..? The feeling was terrible at first, and not able to stretch too much with a wound healing.. But yeaaah! We had fun and while having fun, we saw Abang Apit with his friends. Said hello! & byee! then I went back to Shah. What a small neigbourhood in fact.Lol. Now I am home,resting. Soon I need to dress up to meet bestfriend for movie in the evening. So yeaaah! Till next time lovelieeees! (:
Anyone feels like getting a present for me? I wouldnt ask much... only for the Bonafide Experience album. That'll do. Pleaseee uh! I want it badly! Lol. Or maybe just a magic sketch book, that allows me to draw things I want and make it real..? Heh.Yeaaa.Pleaseeeee! Tsk! Besides that, Thank you classmates! (: Hello Wello! (: Today,I have got three pictures and a video to share. Yeaaa ok.Let's begin the story telling... (: He's known as Baby Izz,while his nenek (grandma) calls him Baby Eddie. Lol.His full name? Come visit him and ask him ok? Ahaaaa! Oh also,he is good in giggling at people.So nauuughty! And yesss! He is my nepheeeeew! How blessed I am! Lol. :D I had some free time today therefore i headed down to Abang Dean's place. When I reached,Ryan was sleeping soundly. Kak Lynn & Abang Dean was at work. The 2 other older kids was busy cutting papers. So I chatted with Abang Apit & Bibik, not a while later Alyssa & Khairul,the 2 older kids,begin running around.. shouting and giggling till my tympanic membrane,heh,almost damage siaaa! With the reason that i didn't drop by for a very lonnnng time.. Abang Apit said that the louuuuud shout,was meant for me, because Alyssa was sooooo excited.ahaaa! But seriously,the shoutings were terrible. You know a kid's shout when we try to frightened them,to make them run away.. yaaaa,that shout.Gosssssh! Lol. And till Ryan woke up from "not even half hour" sleep.Pooooor boy. He was giving us the ''a kid wake up sleep" attitude.. Not a while later,he sticks with me for story telling and photoshoot. I tried to understand him but too bad,I didnt learn German. Bibik said it was Japanese.ahaaa! Cuteee laa the 2 year old boy! Afterall,they made my day! (: I know it is outdated,I don't mind that. The main point is,have you got your name there? Ahahahaaaa! So to people who said I'm ketinggalan,loook! Time doesn't matter much,but the product that you produce does. Lol.I lost nothing okayeee! Heh. Thanks to Abang Body! (: Anyways,I have this autograph only,you guys won still. Nyeaaaaah! =.= Okay laaaaast.Real last one. Before you get away from my blog,see my two year old boy! (: comeeeeel sgt! :D ![]() Moody the moment I got home with a no idea why.My distracted mind made me missed prisonbreak today.So I went online to search for certain humans but failed to be found.Then carried on with the class list updates.The least was,I have classmates who bothers to give me replies as ordered,ASAP,very cooperative.Thank you so much lovelies. Next was to lay down staring at ceiling with unwell stomach.Decided to watch videos just when Rugby Boy appeared. So automatically,a smile was seen on my face. Chitted chatted,also with Fatin & Nicole whom made me laughed by sending this link; http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D031N31B4EvM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOnoz-f43RI So cuteeee! ahaaa. And oh yeaaaa! I shall sleep in tomorrow. I really need that.Lol. Till next time,byeeee! (: Now what? I hardly get this feeling. And things are already telling me that it is not gonna work. The first was a trip and I fell. Next was I failed to get back on my feets. I tried once,I failed.I tried again,I did not succeed. And finally I did... Just when things tell me to stop progressing, pushing me back to the falling scenario. Yet the whole thing was,I never understood it. So for once,let me feel it,please? I need it just like every other human does. I need to dream now. I know it is late,very late. I was relieved the moment i received your message. Therefore,thanks alot hunny bunny! (: And today is already 4th June,mid of 2009. I just ended my 1.2 attachment like weeks ago, and next month I'm back with it again. Staright to the point,school time was freaaakig short! It ended when things was about to start. Next four months back to school,by then fasting month will be over,Raya too. Then 2 months later,it will be ending of 2009.. right? see how time flieees! Okay whatever it is..I cried just now. The reason was..PrisonBreak! :D I got emotionally disturbed just because Mahone lost his child. And yes I know,I am random! Heh. Alright,Sleep tight for now. (: Oh! I shall communicate less with you,in case... |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |