![]() She is turning 2 years old tomorrow,if I am not wrong..2nd year on earth. And a week back,she just threatened an 18 years old girl. How fierce do you think she is?Lol. HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY,SWEETPIE! (: Apart from that,school has never been not tiring.Struggling for Phase Test which is on next Saturday.Class test on the 3rd week.What else? Oh! 1 week gone! And I want time to go like a... rocket! can? Heh. Yesterday was also a school day.Then in the afternoon,went following Mohd to wash his bike with his friend.So kecoh due to the exchanging of the pipes.Lol.Then late evening went out of country,followed Mohd to get his original pipe for his bike just to bump into AkmalHakim,another boy who was upgrading his bike there too.Sucha a small world i can say.And all these took my whole day which result me getting to sleep as soon as I was home.Lol.Heh. I was too tired to get out of house so I stayed home doing homework and watching teevee all day long.Haha! Nice try on revising but it didnt work.Hehehe. GoodNight! (: Sucha fucking tight schedule to begin with in Year 2. And today I caught flu due to school's suffocating environment.Lol. Now,fever dropped by and temperature rising. It is all taking place when school term starts. That's what it is called School Sick.ahah! May God Bless,Raifana! (:
Today was just another weekend,despite the holiday.Saturday it is again tomorrow.Then Sunday which is also the end of holidays.I have yet to buy a legal shoe for school which i think i should not bother much on it.Bunning up hair?Or shall i just cut it short?Nyeeeh.Decide later later laaa.What else?Oh! And I am certainly not prepared for the new schedule or maybe timetable i shall say.Lol.
Back to Today,I wokap just to see sister and boyfriend concentrating on playing their PlayStationPortable.In fact,now they are still doing it.Then after morning bath,sister's boyfriend asked along to wash his bike and a little bit of practical lesson in the carpark.haha! Despite the heavy rain,I was still perspiring like after running 2.4km.Lol.Went out for a moment cause Mum wanted to have ice cream and I,got Kindeeeer Bueeeeno! Best uhh! Also,the old Ferrero Tronky i loved during primary school days.Woaaah! Very long till i found it back again.Oh no.Brother found it actually.Haha.Bought banana (cause my house never runs out of bananas,HAHAHA!)and headed back home. Now Sms-ing with Bestie since idk what time in the day cause she was bored.And soon,I got to sleep cause tagging along with 1st sister for checkup tomorrow.Sooooo early morning somemore.Sooooo berat to wekap.heh.Alright.Sweet dreams Friends! :D Random Note; I think my mood is swinging.Lol.
Your Call - Secondhand Serenade
Cause I was born to tell you I love you. And I am torn to do what I have to,to make you mine Stay with me tonight. Stripped and polished,I am new,I am fresh I am feeling so ambitious,you and me,flesh to flesh Cause every breathe that you will take when you are sitting next to me will bring life into my deepest hopes,What's your fantasy? (what's your..what's your...) Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to,to make you mine Stay with me tonight. And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home. (x4) Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to,to make you mine Stay with me tonight. BREAKDOWN.BREAKDOWN.BREAKDOWN! Today was worst. My weekdays are beginning to end very fast.I am left with four more weekdays and two days of weekend.My timetable is only till 12th of April.When school reopens,I don't know how I will divide time.I am sure I will be rushing as if I am working.In fact,I tend to be too worried for the beginning of the seven weeks of marathon.And I really really really got to struggle for a better results this time round. (: Today's updates; I saw many many people I knew.People from the North side make way to West side for riding license.Arul,Alep's matrep friend,Lol,had actually knocked my shoulder yet he didn't realise and just walked off.Besides him,few more boys which i don't see a need to mention their name in my blog,tak penting! heh. On the other note,I almost got knocked down by a bike today while being a pedestrian who was pushing a bike.Then I became a pillion since I gave them a blur face which means i don't get what they are trying to teach.I also sesat today and went to the wrong way & place. I too got mosquitoe bites while waiting for 2nd sister which is terribly annoying (the mosquitoes laa).What else? Ahhhh! And Mum asked me to accompany her to market tomorrow which means I got to wake up early early early morning for good products.HAHA! (mum taught me that).Lol. So yeaaaah! May God always bless Me! (: Obviously,a day spent with Danny & Bestfriend also,not in the pictures,Syulala & Syed.Weather was on the bad side so we had to meet hours later and it appears to be almost evening already.Headed for Pastamania for early dinner.Then a while later,Syed joined.Syulala & Danny battled (scissors,paper,stone) and Syulala won so we went for a game of pool - if Danny won,we were to visit Suzie.Again,my fingers were never perfect for a pool stick so i became a spectator after playing not even a one full round.But being a spectator was worth it,getting to be entertained by Danny's & Syed's actions. My stomach fats can turn to muscles for laughing too much. haha! (good if it is for real kan). I would want a day out like this again,with three best buddies around adding Syed to it whom was hired by Danny for the day.Lol.And yeaaaa! I want to curik Syed's vespa laaa.Like,cool or whaaaat! heh. Okay,i'll upload more pictures if i have it.For now,that is all.I love today.I love Danny.I love Bestfriend.I love Syu.And I like Syed. Apart from that,I was so confident texting Mohd Khalid that my house area was on a bad weather so he had to ride carefully when booking in today.And he replied... " Book in tomorrow laa Fa.Thank you. (: " I was smiling to myself at orchard just now cause i can't be laughing out loud.haha! malu! Then this text conversation... him : Efa,gimme your lucky number.. me : huh? what for? why? him : cause you are my lucky star! me : haha! if I am your lucky star,I give you 4 numbers,go buy 4D uhh. him : eh! good idea.can uh.haha! How random he can be right? I kept smiling when i read messages received from him. Very funny! Very weird.haha! And that is way I love him.Lol. Oh Oh! Another thing.I saw Irfyan today! A schoolmate whom i asked chocolate from.hoohoo! Okay time to sleep.Byeee! :D I woke up with a plan to attend a friend's wedding. Then i felt sick,so I cancelled what I planned. And then I thought i should go. But then i have no idea what to wear. So then I made up mind and I did not go. Which result me staying home till evening... Headed to old Jurong West for late dinner. Then Mohd Khalid texted. Randomly,he said that he got the post as firefighter. And he does not like it,instead,he wants to be a driver. Which also means he need to stay in camp for another 3 months. And he feel as if he is spending 100 years in there.Lol. He then said he is coming over on Thursday when he book out.. So i will just wait and see for that to happen eh. Cause it will be like miracle you know.ahah! (: Then while on my way home,i saw a group of malay teenagers. For certain reasons,i see them as Dumb & Dumber! Lol. Got back home with full stomach and sleepy eyes. Had a shower and now I am fresh! Ending my post,I want to go and chat now. Therefore,Goodnight to everyone. (: Yet another Friday it is today. Second week of school holiday is ending. I have yet to spend time having fun what more to revise modules. And when school re-open,it won't be my 1st year and 1st day in school where I can play around anymore. It will be the starting of my next 7 weeks of marathon,again. Lol. Yesterday was a day of room cleaning for me. Today,it was Mum's turn with a little bit of my help when she actually helped me alot the day before. Heh. No choice cause i got to go for lesson today. And amazingly today also,I bumped into one of my hometown boys,Omar,just to know that he still doesn't know who Raifana is when i called him on phone.Pathetic betol! But,on the other note,he left me with a smile. (: Then next was i saw a group of young "bikers" who were cycling on the pathway,approaching a pedestrian crossing. One of them actually had an initiative to raise up his hand even before he reaches the pedestrian crossing. And that was because he wanted the driver to allow him and his friends to cross safely first which tend to make the boy left me with another smile for the day. (: I felt as though with these little things,my day would be completed. Just getting to bump into someone I didn't meet for long made me feel happy,even if it was just a moment of it. Just to have seen a boy's action tend to make me feel touched. These little things are those which make me alive,made me come back with smiles after being uhappy. In fact,the world out there has so much for everyone. It gave people the confidence of living life. But all these depend on individual the way they see it. For me,just getting to see the environment in this teeny weeny country has given me more meanings to life. And yes! I admit being a random girl who post random entries randomly. :D Goodnight. (: I am likely missing my secondary classmates.I went logging into friendster a moment ago...and i went visiting some of these kambings profile which made me laughed.That was because I saw pictures of our cute little time back then.haha! Lol.Coming to the point,I would want a life back then having those irritating annoying disgusting friends as classmates.I would want the environment I had in a class sitting beside NorSyuhailah,who loves sleeping during English & Geography lesson.Also,i would love hearing the funny funny unlogic jokes made by them,randomly. So i guess it is time to find these people and meet them up real soon! Even having to know that each of them is busy with school,i think i need to drag them away for studies just a little while.hehehehhh! Apart from that,i dreamt you.You were in need of much help when i don't even bother to look back and gave you a hand.In reality,we are not able to neither meet nor even contact each other. You somehow made your way and found me online but I refused to acknowledge you,I am really sorry for that.We grew up together to a certain age when crisis came between families therefore we were brought futher apart.I told Mum about dreaming of you and she went feeling worried yet there is nothing to be done.I would love to get back and grow up together again.I would love to at least contact you and know how you are doing.Having to know the situation,we both could not make a step forward.Therefore whatever situation you are in now,always never think of giving up.Like i have said,when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,show life that you have got a hundred reasons to smile.Trust me,if not,believe in God.Every problem comes with a solution.Life isn't about worrying,in fact,it is more than that.May God bless you and whatever has and will happen,you are still the best one i had since i was a day old. And day by day,Life gets more meaningful for me.
Like every other year,i was being fooled again today,first day of the fourth month.And people who love fooling me is none other than my hometown boys and this year additional was Atikah who made me real worried about her.In fact,i can't be bothered about a day fooling people around cause i fool others almost everyday.So maybe,this day is the only day whereby others get to fool me time and again cause i don't fool others on every first of April.
On the other note,i thought of few human beings today who gave me a past.And that kept me smiling for hours like one insane girl.So,how sweet & nice can my past be?haha! Actually,straight to the point,i miss spending time with these human beings whom gave me the unforgetable past. If i have super powers,i would bring them back to me,now,at this moment,by just closing my eyes and snapping my fingers.That will do.Lol. (: I thought of so many things to blog about just now but now i am blank.I am making my post more & more draggy which means i have got to stop. Oh Oh! last one,random one. I miss Home United!!!!! heh! Totally out of point ehh.Nevermind.It is somehow related to my previous post though.haha!Till tomorrow,sleep tight lovelieeees! :D |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |