![]() your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. so maybe i should stop complaining about work eh. in fact,those hard people and hard times give me the chance to learn. and that is how God gave experience to his angels. (: few days past and i have been spending time with gaming. today's session was with 1st sister. fighting against many many enemies,creating a scene at home. at the same time entertaining mum with the silly actions we made. and tomorrow's a family day out babeh! woohoo! (: this coming week is a tight schedule. i am having numbers of task and things to get over. after that,i hope i could make time with buddies. and i am just waiting for that. (: this entry's picture is so old. i think it is already a 2 years old picture. when i was still using my very first walkman phone,i guess. and it was taken during a moment of randomness, whereby we take random pictures under a roof. haha! i know,very cute,kann? (: should sleep early today! sleep tight bestfriends! (: ive been singing. ive been humming. ive been giggling. next,i'll be weeping.heh! my 3rd brother texted yesterday! okay wait.wondering since when i got brothers eh? ahah! remember Sid,my bestfriend.. she has 3 older brothers which means i have 3 older brothers too. and i name them 1st,2nd & 3rd brother in my phonebook. LOL. (: back to the story... 3rd brother texted asking to get down to his work place, (which i dont know where the hell it is) cause he wants to take me on a tour. what tour? i have no idea. the first think i thought was bikes.haha! what about bikes? i myself dont know. tour on a bike,maybe? okay whateberrr! and he was being so secretive about it. very annoying! booo! therefore today,i thought i should make a schedule. Bestie & 2nd brother waiting for me to be back in hometown. 3rd brother waiting for me to be at his work place. not forgetting my Tweenie who has been waiting to have fun wimme. haha.she misses me,i know. so yeeeeap! i need a planner for my schedule. hah! okay.like one big star ehh raifana. and that is about it. Magandang Gabi (good evening) sweethearts!
did i mention about my long hours of sleep?
yes! i had my fifteen hours of sleep two nights ago,finally. and that long hours,i dreamt. yesterday night i texted Ali Al Mahir. it really has been quite a while since i last thought of him. ( i am sorry,Mahir! ) (: to inform that he amazingly appeared in my lalaland. i couldnt remember much, but i know i miss him,very much.heh. and Ali,tak sanggop uhh nak story telling pat blog. jumpe soon k! (: that was my dream two nights ago. whereas yesterday was a dream about Nur Suzieanty. it is so random but i just couldnt help missing them. and i am feeling so far away from these people. that is why i said,i want to be back in Serangoon! can i can i can i?! now i am excited to see Syulalalalala onlineeee! (: and hey! i had my tagalog lesson just now! (: okay,mahal kita lovelies!
none plan to fail,but many failed to plan.
goals,dreams & thoughts. i have so many of it. in fact,i dont know which to go for first. sucha a day dreamer i am. so,according to my calculation... i have eight more days of work. plus four days of exploring another part of the world. and also ten days traveling to & fro College East. only after these days,i'll earn a little bit of break time. thats what i need for now.nyehhhh! working for six days this week was pathetic. ended work real late yesterday which cost me half of my weekend. and that was the reason for sleeping fifteen full hours the previous night. ridiculous! i know. LOL. and back to another week work tomorrow. thank God i enjoy my work. God Bless Babies! (:
the start of the working day in a brand new week. my schedule wasnt in place today. the worst was,i rushed to school for briefing earlier! and nothing else is tiring than rushing man! besides that,Bestie texted today. i am feeling awwwed. Khalid and 2nd Brother texted yesterday,and i am happy. who else? oh! Redza too.random,i know. Ashraf sent me a cute valentine message when i am not expecting any. so yeaaa,that is about it. those are my cute cute adorable people in life. (: oh! about today. i met an unknown male twins at the age of 16/17. they were in their secondary school uniforms. both were wearing crocodile sneakers with different colour. and they were all the way behind me from train, to train station to bus berth. i was listening to musics when they thought i couldnt hear them. and they started gossiping about me. my bag & my shoes were their target. as positive comments were let off from their mouth, i decided not to harrass them. and one more reason was...they were both young attractive boys! heh.and why they are attractive? cause they are soccer players. and soccer players just melts me! hah! okayeee bye! (:
Chemistry.An important thing between two angels.It caught two hearts and kept them together.Everything went fine till a particular day comes and causes their wings to break.The boy and the girl angel decided to help each other fly again.They were fixing each others' wings when few other pretty angels came taking the boy angel away.The girl angel was left with an unfixed wings.She spent few years struggling fixing her wings by herself,only for the boy angel to come and break it again.The girl angel almost break down when she thought that the boy angel was her everything.Again,she tried fixing her broken wings but failed.Angels of Courage were then sent to her.By herself,she finally manage to fix her broken wings.Flying around happily,she proved to the boy angel that she can live without having to depend on him.And till today,the girl angel has a mindset that nothing is ever too difficult for her to fix,cause God always give challenges within His angel's strength.And God has never leave His angels suffering alone. May God Bless those angels who gave courage to the girl angel. and this was taken like,last month..? invitation to Mr Handsome's big day! (: a daughter,a sister,a girlfriend & a student. i am fortunate to being acknowledge as that. and being these characters,life was made along with challenges. no challenge is too unbearable for me. He,who made me,very well know the limitation of my strength. it is only my decision on how i will get through it. take it or leave it? it was almost lunch when i woke up. a complete family,we had lunch at home today. after clean ups & shower,i made Suji with choclate chips. success only with Mum's help.heh. now,i own a bottle of Suji,all for myself. (: i know,i have been a random kid. God bless. (:
i finally end the-changing-blogskin session! (:
again i headed for school this morning. session after session of studies then to meetings. monday,again,half day of work then off to school. and tonight,i feel exhausted,very exhausted. therefore i am excused from work tomorrow.yeay! (: hunting for gifts currently. i miss Suzieanty Syuhailah & Danny. invitation gotten to Wannie's chalet,yet to decide. Tweenie didnt chat with me for 1355363889 hours. Bestie didnt meet me for thousand days. Homie boys neglected. and i am feeling supeeeer miserable.nyeaaaah! sleep tight! (: i was working with two policemen earlier just now when i saw this particular wrist watch on one of them. knowing me,i started asking questions about it.hah! it's a men's wrist watch but i guess it will look awesome on a lady. but it somehow is very rare to be seen in stores. maybe it was an old model,i dont know. whatever it is,i want to find it,can i? (: i'll update about others soon. HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY,NUR SUZIEANTY! and youre again,a year older. indeed there's so much gone thru in life since young. yet this girl here,she still has not give up on whatever the outcome is. and now she is living quite well, concentrating on things she want to achieve. may God bless you baby! and for the time spend growing up together, seeing each other's difficult times.. i thank you for the years of friendship too. (:
![]() ![]() grown up kids. it feels so nice to watch your juniors growing up. till you'll not notice of the time that passed. they are just everyone's sunshine. im used to having twelve hours of sleep daily, but now,in one week,i only get that once.nyehhh! i miss Danny's text earlier on... due to sleeping. then appeared Lim Hairi Safwan calling. asking to tag along with him Suzie Syu & Syed to hang around. i was feeling beat so didnt agree cause i need to sleep! and tomorrow,i need to shop.heh! Suzie! Suzie! (: Monday is coming pretty soon. back to square one,attached at a medical ward,again. hopefully those staffs are mad enough. then working shall be fun. (: now i going mad with Alien. i just dont understand what shes talking about. sugar rush? LOL. (: okayee whatever! sleep tight!
it is when you're busy with work
and not thinking of anyone but work, others will tend to think of you. it is when you think of others, the one whom you think of wont prolly be thinking of you. i had laughings at work today. end up working at home,with work's work. amazingly too,i could control temper today. somehow and somewhat i did. then appeared Faridah calling up while heading for work. that was because she remembers me,unexpectedly. touched with Ali Al Mahir's call,very cute. he was in fact reading my old posts. and for that,i thank him alot,i appreciate it also. oh Ali! I forgot to say,I Miss You! (: then appeared next was Mr Handsome... telling me that he's still on leave. i went searching for him yesterday but he only appear today. i guess that's him laa. i too manage to complete my case study. i too learnt about HeartStarter today... an equipment which is able to start beating your heart. and today,nurses in ward 12 was being mad. haha! alright,goodnight! (:
i attended school today.
i learnt many many things today. there were many many visitors also. and i see many many familiar faces. Diyy is one of them who called out my name early morning. then lunch time,spot the hot cina boy,followed by Taufeeq. KhairulNizam being a January intake student. then of course! my MrHawtStuff. heh. and also bumped into chocolate boy,Irfyan. oh oh! like finally,met my four hot babies! so,that was my one day in school for this term. (: i feel fever-ish now. my case-study has been dragging. i can wait for holidays cause i have got plans. and now,i want to sleep but feels so fresh. what do you think is going wrong wimme? goodnight. ![]() a picture at Mr Handsome's wedding. like i've said,very fushion. black and pink was the colour combination for the decorations. Mr Handsome was so handsome while Miss Pretty was pretty. and...yes,it was an awesome wedding. (: i finally printed out my documents yesterday night. no choice but to go use Abang Dean's printer. so,of course i get to meet my hawt kids. Alyssa taught me a new word,"skin-tissue"... when actually she was trying to say " stinky-shoe". and she said "billy-button" when she was trying to show me her "belly-button". i cant stop laughing at the 4 years old kid. while the 2 years old kid...he's crazy! LOL. (: my patient said i was being stubborn today. when the actual fact he was the one being stone headed. my other patient said i was funny today. when actually he was laughing at i dont know what. and my other patient keep saying " may god bless you" to me. which i really hope God does. (: a visit to school tomorrow! toodleeeees! (:
random notes.
- i have a hole in a tooth. - weekend,just another day please. - i miss Mohd Khalid. - my mind skipped something very important on Friday,i regret it. - Muhd Safwan lost my earpiece and i am angry. - i dont want to work tomorrow,can i? - my printer broke down. - case study not completed yet. - i had a hair cut yesterday. - i am rotting now with a fact that there's so much to do. - sleepy is what i am feeling now. - i feel sticky so i should go and bath. - my house is in a mess and i am irritated by it. - i want to go shop but i am lazy. - i am on morning shift tomorrow. - i have yet to put my uniforms in dryer. - the picture in the previous post is Azzam Azhar,my matrep. - forms for trip not filled yet. - nothing is good but nothing is bad either. - i'm not hungry but i want to munch but my tooth's aching. - i want to do my work but dont know where to start. - i dont know how to end this either. - and i am going to Kak Lynn's house to use printer. - i thought i should watch teevee first. okayeee bye! |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |