![]() ![]() oooolalaaaaa! hollaaaa! (: finally comes the weekend. Saturday is ending and i dont feel the Saturday even. yesterday was a Friday and i got home late night. that was due to the shopping with sister,brother & mum. then had my 12 hours of sleep. attended Mr Handsome's wedding. very fushion,very awesome. which results on flatting my energized battery in myself. (: time has rather been going fast. the pros and cons are there. there's so much to learn yet i dont know where to start. stomach has been aching randomly. back has been hurting frequently. blood taken,results awaiting. ten years has past and nothing is better. patient is all i need,mum said. GoodNight! (:
And when i come to think of it,
i could only be a pair of ears to them. Cause i neither feel nor understand them. Things get more haywired as days goes on. And everyone feel as though they knew everything. yesterday i finally see cousins. after the few long months. and today i see my hawt kids,niece & nephews. had a trip down to Kak Lynn's house. whereby Alyssa run up to me upon my arrival. informing about the new skateboard she've got. yupp! a 4 years old kid who owns a deck. and able to skate too.very cool. (: then run along Ryan showing me the shirt and pants he wore. it was a gift from me for his 2nd birthday. perfectly fitted! thanks to Muneera & Tabbycat's help. (: so how awesome can my hawt kids be?hah! also upon arriving,i first saw Abang Apit running. then when i entered house i saw him in kitchen. so who was the one running just now with a different colour clothing? BLANK! HAHA! besides that,i had a class teaching on how to transform toys. i,too,played lego. Alyssa and I build a cat.yeeeaap,a cat! not until Dude,Abang Apit's cat appeared.haha. and Dude was wearing a collar given by me. awww.seee! how sweet can my family be? hehe. coming to today's complain.. Danny has been non stop tagging me on Safwan's photo in Facebook. and that reminds me of my 13th year old story. which last long till today,when i am 18th years old already. awesome ehhh! LOL. Okaye,Selamat Malam Teman! (:
it is already the 26th of January.
which means the beginning of another year for the chinese. therefore to each and every one of my stars, HAPPY HOLIDAAAAAYS BABIES! (: i then begun my day with a wekap text message from Muhd Safwan. whom is becoming Danny's Bf,for goodness sake! =.= urr,Danny told me that ehh.not make-up story.LOL. Safwan actually wanted a day out with the rest of the rainbows. which i had been waiting for all these while,especially planned by him. and obviously,i can't make it,that's why im blogging here at this hour. and i swear i am being so pathetic! i wouldnt want to say this but, family has always been the reason lately.nyeaaaah! oh! and i texted Bestie todaaaay! like finally okay. i asked her; "ehhhh work today?" she replied; "the whole world never work,only you work. Siao!" i wonder whether i asked something right or wrong. cause Ali & Suzie's working.. nehhminnnd.forget it. getting to the next point. i manage to complete my case study draft ealier today. with more logic and better hand writing. which shows that i am more keen into learning nowadays. unlike the term before or maybe before and before.haha! and yes! i've also made up my mind into something today. i'll share it some other day okays.hehe. besides that,Mr Handsome's big day is coming. which also means that January is ending... and February is coming... AND! School is staaaartinnnng! ehhhh? or am i too early for it? LOL. Okayee byeeee! (:
another day woken up by melodies followed by "singers".
not only that but also sounds of engines. which means star-of-the-day has arrived with escorts. and that is when a malay wedding held right in front of your flat. feeeel me? so yeeaaap,every single day i have alarms to get me out of bed. today was engines of tens of bikes. if i were to shout out of anger,i doubt noone can hear me. LOL.craaaap! (: Raifana turned out to be very lazy today,whatmore with a cloudy weather. autograph session was suppose to be today's plan. but i thougt that can wait,only that it'll be out-dated. cause everyone has got the album signed except Mum's.haha. also chatted with my alien mate moment ago. and now i feel the advantages of learning behavioural science. because i can actually read an alien's mind and heart. and the main thing,chat with an alien. tell me,how cool can i be? hehe.sorry mideeek! (: it is time for my evening bath. then teevee time along with strawberry yoghurt as dinner! daaaadaaaaa! (: ![]() flashbacks are sometimes the best thing to do, especially when one gets lonely. and now,im missing family the most. cousins arguements; beat smack bite punch. chit chats; even along corridors & tepi tangge. sharing & delivering food; to & fro cousins house. gaming; getting very enthu about what's new. gatherings; many many parties with many many food. and there's many many more to it. looking forward to upcoming things... 30th - ITECE soccer girls pit for coach Fhirhad. doubt can make it due to shift working hours. still,should try to make it since he is migrating. 31st - Mr Handsome's big day. confirmed attending but what to weaaaar?! 2nd month of every year - February babies birthdays. 19th - unconfirmed trip to Mr Handsome hometown. and one last thing i remember for now... autograph session at cousin's crib with Mum. cause i booked him but he said confirmed im gonna take forever to go over. and that is because i totally forget about it.nyeaaaah! till the next time,bye bye babieees! (: oh.Muhd Safwan B Ramlan... whereee did you go? i miss you so..lalalaalalala. your sweater has beeeen forever in wardrobe! and that picture,Danny,thanks ehhh for tagging me in Facebook. Okay,Goodnight! (: this is Danny. and she is one of the girlfriend i had since secondary one. and she is turning 19 todaaaaay! which meeaaans she is a year oldeeeeer! haha.and well.. i somehow get interested with this picture. like Acai said,i thought so too that you looked like Syu. LOL.haha! (: get well sooon deeaaarest! ![]() this is Suzieanty. ![]() and these are my 3 beest classmates! 3 beeest girls to hang around with. 3 beest friends to pour everything out. and im wishing now to meet them real soon. GoodByee! (: nothing could be better than hanging around with them. and i miss just that. it seems like only last month i moved. while the fact says that it has been a year. and within a year,it took me months just to get back there, the old hometown. quite a few is still serving the country. only that little boy there,still in secondary. and i thought that they grew up better each day.. but that seems to be my thought only. picture was taken at my crib,last february. not all in as some went home earlier. i invited them all for my house warming on a Saturday.. but they came on a Sunday. and like always,blaming me for the wrong info. and also,they have never not dissapoint me. i was really mad yet trying to cover up in front of Mum. that was when i thought again that they took me for granted. while at the end of the day,they manage to apologise. trying the best to explain things when i dont bother to listen. and that's when im angry.LOL. purpose of this post,nothing. i wokap today with them in mind. which usually means i miss them terribly. and i wished that they could be better than before. boys,i miss everyone of youu. updates on 2nd January 2009. had dinner @ fig & olives with an invitation... then supper at popeyes! i remember wanting to update about this day. and obviously i forgot.heh. 2nd January was a Friday,i think. we had an invitation @ Fig & Olives for dinner. it was formal occasion but we were very informal. especially me & muneera.haha! then off to shopping for birthday gifts. bytheway,2nd January was supposed to be babies day out. just that with Zeed along since he's with us. planned meeting Superstar @ 7pm but she star karat! hang arounnd..met Danny,like,again.haha. ohhh.she's with her Yasmin.Y! then finally Superstar arrives just when Zeed goes home. Superstar was hungry so we headed to popeyes. blaahh blaahh blooo..normal babies talk. Naufal,Superstar boyfriend fetched then night walk with Nicole. met her friend then off boarding train home. now the beeest part! at platform,saw a schoolmate whom i usually see everywhere. get bored of him,i ignored. and he looked as if i was supposed to say " hello " to him. then comes the wahhhh-innnng part.. " ehhhh hello! " and there goes my MrHawtStuff,acknowledging me. with a very very very wide smileee. and only with that,it completes my day on 2nd January! LOL.ohhhh.and not forgetting, as usual pictures taken like one hawt thing one earth ehh! (: ![]() after dinner @ Fig & Olives.
![]() ![]() ![]() too many for me to upload. so,that's all folks! selamat malam babies. (:
i feel the un-normalities.
i feel the unhappiness. i feel that things kept are overloaded. i feel the unseen unsolved problem. i feel the watery eyes. and i feel like bursting out. i feel it.do you feel me? (:
i somehow think that there's still humans in this world
who needs to get a life. and they need just that to occupy their time, rather than being a nuisance in people's way of living. cause i thought,at the end of the day, they still achieve nothing but Sins. work has beeen goood. only that it makes my time a little occupied. and that cause me no time to meet friends. not even when Muhd Khalid is already at my void deck.heh. today,received few messages and calls. yet to reply.i apologise. my multi-tasking tday is a little bit different. i worked and at the same time leading an NS boy to a nearby polyclinic just because of wisdom tooth. i guess it was my fault for not making him ride to camp. in the end,he has problems in travelling with public transport. and that is my friend,comeeeeel sangat! haha. oooops! i stole muneera's phrase.LOL. (: now,Bestie,it has beeen 47834912383 days since i last contacted her. tweenie,78 hours with project,understoodedooded. my tuee babies..muneera atikah tabbycat fatin ions since we last text each other. if not,like everyday message,kannn?hah. we'll meet on the 31st okays. girlfriends and boyfriends, decades since we met. Ali Danny Syulala Suzie Alif Safwan Saiful.. i wonder..wonder..how they are. (: seee you all pretty soooon lovelies.chao! ![]() 2 days has past and i finally realise it. and i actually forgot about someone who has rather been close yet far away. so Alif Ridhwan,i apologise. here i am wishing you for your 19th year living on earth. HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY,BESTFRIEND! (: i think you did have a great birthday with friends,so yeaaa.. nothing much from me. but yes! if i say i dont miss you,that's a total lie. to be more specific,i miss your nonsence.heh. like every other year,study smart. hopefully you will go all the way thru to achieve your dreams. and i ever wished that you'll get back to your bestfriend,soccer. but at the end of the day,your life,you decide! SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN,ALEP! (: love, your dearest cutest bestest nicest sweetest friend! (: i know,raye da abes! but still,i wanna be random and post this picture. it makes my blog attractive ehh.heh. amcm?! hawt tak? haha! (: oh yeah. 3rd sister and bf did their Chinese New Year shopping today. tagged along to cause was told so. actually i told 2nd sister that i was lazy to get out of house. but at the end of the day,i went 2 places. had morning bathe very late,afternoon uhh.haha. called that particular cousin and he was home alone. tak best,cause i wanted to visit those kids jugak. takpe.then the best part was... mother had actually asked me to bring him some food. =.= saying that it's a pity of him to be home alone. so there Raifana goes,did a delivery today.hah! but kann! today's delivery was a paid off one.wanna know why? cause when i passed cousin the food,he said.. " thanks adeq! (: " likee woaaaah! after so long calling me,ehh,oy,fa,woi.. heartwarming kaannn! haha. sedap sikit hati dengar kate kate sweet mcm gitu ehh.lol. haha.but i met cousin like only few seconds. and rushed off to meeting kakak! and okayeee! tomorrow work,tak boleh banyak bebual and ketawe. nanti besok nangis ehh,munirah,atikah & tabbycat?! haha.alright! gooodnight! (: ![]() to my dearest full time mat-rep! (: HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY, AZZAM BIN AZHAR! being honest,i stole the picture. the one we took together aint wimme now. i'll have it up here once i get it,okays? (: now,introducing Azzam on my blog. the name Adeq came from him,originally. and that was during secondary one,first day of school. till now,we've grown to be someone more mature, yet our behavior remains the same. and also till now, the trust understanding and encouragement we gave each other never end. that goes for Azzam too even tho he left ealier. Azzam Azhar,seriously i miss spending time with you. thank you for remembering us, even tho we didnt manage to contact you often. we'll get together once again k.insyaallah. i miss your so much nonsense! and forever i'll love you as before,my dearest mat-rep of the year! (: SELAMAT HARI JADI,MAT-REP! (: ![]() now,say it! haha! and that was from Nurul Afiqah! we manage to chat after waiting so long for her to see me online. i became one Mak Nenek and gave her encouragements. like how i previously did to Nabila. they both are in secondary 5, and they are sitting for o level this year. ALL THE BEST OKAYEEE! (: NEXT! my name is Raifana but family calls me Efa. and it seems to be more popular among friends now. haha.popular ehh? wow! part of it i should thank my homie boys, those working as riders at hougang..thanks ehh! grrr! and that was how Fiqahh manage to disturb me. I LOVE EFA!!! (: oh! i heard this song from Singapore Idol's latest album. and i got attracted to these paragraphs of sentences. well done composer! thumbs up for you! (: wahai manusia. sedarlah dirimu. hidup di dunia,hanya sementara. dekatkan diri padaNya. biar terluka hapuskan sangsi mu. ialah pentunjuk buat sengalanya. arahkan diri padaNya. gooodnight! (: and tweenie,where are you?
haluuuuu! (:
and tomorrow's the last working day for the week! heh.i cant wait for tomorrow's 4pm.lol. but come to think of it, things end only when we start getting use to it. kaaann?! had some secondary students over @ daycare center. merrier but me & maisarah didnt get to cycle. uhuh.cycle to pasir ris then back to clementi,within 5 minutes. hahaha! awesome ehh. and we've been to gym these few days.haha! hah! okay enough before things get more unlogic. (: headed to aunt's house after work. my nephew known as Tommy,yeaaa,the one from Rugrats.. he wasnt in so i left straight after the visit. then off to Kak Lynn's house when she's not home even. i was being so pathetic not untill Abang Fik's appearance. i was so lucky to have him home early. had a short chat then headed home. and yeaaa! he reminds me of tomorrow's Sinaran Hati. wooops! byeeee! and friends,i miss every one of you. (:
six january two thousand nine.
starting today, idk who will call me in the middle of night again. idk who will text me as early as i start work? cause my dearest patient went serving the country! nyehhhh! boooo! but i know that this dearest patient of mine,loves me! hehe! (: as early as i woke up,i texted Khalid. and as early as i end work,i texted friends. that's because i want to see them tomorrow. heh.also as early as i got home, i complained to mother and sister about work. they are the best people when it comes to complain.hah! and mother reminds me of going to Kak Lynn's house. it's like few bustops away only yet it seems so far. LOL. and tomorrow i shall attend work fresher than today! (: rainbows,azzam's chalet? Ryan's 2nd Birthday! previous entries seems messy so i thot of posting a new one. everything in one post. all on the lil boy's birthday.yeaaa! sorrry. (: ![]() ![]() i prefer his old hairstyle still.hah! my favourite.lol. ![]() at first i thot it was totally creaamy and decided not to have it. then came along Abang Fik.. him: eyy,tak makan cake? me: tak! him: huh?since when you never eat cake? me: i only eat cakes that is totally chocolate... him: oh! ahhh! me: what? him: just take uhhh. me: then? him: the creeams you gimme.heh. me: takyaa laa.leceh! a while later... him: sedaaap sehh cake.dalam chocolate tao! me: ehhh?! alaaaa.. him: go take laaa.i eat the creams for you. me: serious?! alright! (: and he took all the creams,letting me eat peacefully. indeed the cake was supeerb,without the creams laa. and my last scoop was for him,cause it was covered with creams.hah! i found cupcakes while adventuring the kitchen. CUPCAKEEES!! mickey cupcakes,mini oreo as the ears.. m&m's as the eyes,nose..etc.. i sweaaar my friends would love it. ![]() ![]() ![]() Ryan,Khairul & Alyssa. and i went like.. abang,it looked like a tent. it's pictures time! a cat,which has lost it's collar for idk how many times. getting tired,Abang Fik just put a ribbon with a bell. a no one stole it even after few days.hah! ohhh! and this cat made way to a superstaaar! easier said,it doesnt rebel.cutee.haha. weird ehhh. till Ryan could kiss and lie on it. i found a boy by the corridor,eating cupcake. leaving SpongeBob at the balcony. and that was my party with babyboy! (:
you are loving and caring. you help others and spread out sympathy. your life aim is maybe to serve people. but the weakness is that you forget yourself, your own needs. all your time is hold back by your family and friends. you are always there for people in trouble. ready for any emergency. you make a lot of sacrifices to be a good human. but every human has her needs, her longings and a destiny. dont loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. you will have your own problems in your life. other problem is that you dont say your opinion when it is right and important to say. people trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. they will play on you. though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others. not everyone is created this way... you are unique and rare! - lovely lady.
im so happy,im so glad
that i have you. i want to thank. and thank you means mercy. mercy...my little way of saying thanks. mercy,for me & youuuu! (: okayee,a moment of random-ness. but yeaaa,that was in my mind. and i type out everything in mind.heh. proceed to 2nd January's story telling. not story laaa,just summary okay.haha. met Mr Handsome. then had late freeee lunch. went shopping.got Ryan's gift.veeery cute. met staaaars and superstar arrived latee.veery! bumped into homie boys! likeee waaaahhh! makes my day brighter. had lateeee dinner.girls secreeets. photo shoooot like one hawt thing on earth. (: car rideee for less than a minute. night walk to train station. tap in to platform..waited for train. train arrived,saw schoolmate,ignored. comes a " HELLO! " out of nowhere. which makes my day very very very bright! HAHA! okayeee.that is enough. catch the full story soon on.. http://raifana--kiid.blogspot.com sooooon! gooodnight sweeetpieees! (: VISITS! (: ![]() ![]() with company of Noor Jahan. (: ![]() and Abang looked at Adeq. get me? go figure it out! ![]() just look at his IV drip! =.= taaash all folks! (:
my first day of the year.
heh.sounds 'wahhh!'. but actually,nothing is so 'wahhhh-ing!' okay,i just create words. understoodedooded laaa ehhh. oh no.'understoodedooded',i learnt from media.haha! like the past few days,today is just another weekday. viewed nice-to-be-seen photos! *grins* kickers just make my day laaaa ehh.lol. and tomorrow's another weekday. but jyeaaah! meeting staaaars! attending a special invitation which made me feel honoured. then dinner with staaaars. but that is only when my superstaar has arrive.heh. i want tomorrow to be not just another weekday for me. and i suppose,it wont. (: and i wonder how Ali Al Mahir is. goodnight. |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |