and this will be the last post for 2008.
time really flies. and next on the list is..ahhhhh! work! work! work! goooshhh! i really dont like it. but ehhh 2nd January comes first right? woohooo! jyeahh.meeting my staaaars! okayee! today.the day before tomorrow.and the day after yesterday. really didnt think of celebrating New Year. kept real quiet at home watching teevee. then off to visiting Ali Al Mahir agaaaain. had dessert with Sakinah,his small sister. then headed home after late dinner. and here i am,blogging while everyone's celebrating.heh. actually,i dont feel the 'wow!' for next year. like another year passed. but still.i shall look forward to each and every day of life. cause yeeaaa,i appreciate everything that has happened... and in fact,will happen. that's it.goooodnight lovelieees! ohhh. a text message from Muhd Khalid. it was a broken message, not until i get the full one a while later. was supposed to be from Jahan.. but Khalid's appeared just a second before hers. haha! whatever it is,thanks Jahan! (: and here it goees. 2009 is at your doorstep. Remember,Life is Short. Break the Rules,Forgive and Forget Quickly. Love Truly,Laugh Uncontrollably. And Never Regret Anything that Made You Smile. Treasure and Cherish 2008, and Welcome 2009,with arms wide open. (: and i bet that everyone receives the same message. May God Bless You Babies! (: ![]() MUHD SAFWAN BIN RAMLAN! birthday song sang. all the way from jurong to tampines.hah! mane nak dapat ehh Raifana nyayi birthday song. LOL. have fun dearest! and we'll see if you get more for your gpa.heh. stop copying me okayeee! and i swear i am gonna miss this schoolmate of mine. hugs boy! (:
another weekday.
woken up by Danny's call. informing about Ali Al Mahir's condition. didnt want to get out of house but yea,had to. headed for Ali,met Danny Syulala Jahan... and finally saw Syed,Syulala's friend. Ali looked real fine,sucha patient in fact. so headed home after a while as Mum's home alone. mind wondered off to everything faced. life is indeed full of challenges. and just when I was thinking of what present to get for Ryan, Kak Lynn called,to remind about Ryan's party. as for tomorrow,it is Muhd Safwan Bin Ramlan's 18th Birthday! also last day of Two Thousand Eight. and tomorrow is just another day of life. goodnight. i almost forgot. SELAMAT TAHUN BARU TO ALL ISLAMS. (: and dearest tweenie. i shared my sorrows with you, and it is just right for me to share my joy too! i love you,small girl! (: the thought of Muhd Safwan Bin Ramlan's birthday, reminds me that work is approaching. and i am still in need of sleep revenge. my sleeeping has never beeen enough.LOL. (: last night,slept very late. chatted with Nabila,who told me about her N level results. that started like 12 am. then Ali Al Mahir called randomly at 3am. without purpose.thats normal. thought of heading to bed just when Muhd Khalid called at 5am. another random call. he texted but i didnt reply so he called. chatted till 6am then off to bed. didnt want to wake up when it is alr 1pm,but mum nagged. she nagged cause i have been sleeping late everynight. so,like sleep walking,headed to storeroom... took out vacuum and carry on with housework. i was being random cause i dont usually wekap and do things straight. but today,randomly,i did.nyeehehehe! online and like finally,Tabitha Nicole Tessensohn is back from China! and i know,she has a present for me.i really know that. so yeaaa.cant wait for the meet ups. 2nd January it shall be,chickies! (: about that little boy up there.. his 2nd Birthday coming,3rd January,the party. his mum & dad invited me thru text message. with a hint that i have to get a present for him. =.= haha! even without them hinting,i'll definitely get one for him. cause he is my All Time Favourite Boy! I Love Ryan Irwan! (: till next entry,chao!
weeeehooo! hello!
i got home early today. that was because sister called saying there's thunder & lightning. might be raining soon so better get home asap. haha.but it doesnt rain at all when i got home. =.= but still,thanks kakak for the info. (: took the lonnnng train called MRT and dropped at Somerset. again with Danny to Cineleisure to get her dresses. had PastaMania for dinner. off to PlazaSingapura for bestfriend. it has been a decade since i met her. and ouh oh! bestfriend's boyfriend is going Brunei for 1 year?! i told her,i cant replace him... but i can be 24 hours available for her,just for her.heh. (: since bestfriend had to get back to work, Danny and I headed to MarinaSquare for AbangMcDonald. a pity,he doesnt work today.sigh! settled down at Starbucks and reflashed old memories. like...aww! i didnt know we appear to be so cute in those days. haha! ohhwell... then Wawan,homies boy,called up to meet. so yeaaa.brought Danny to esplanade to meet those homies boys. also to watch Bushmen performance. (: felt wahhh! even tho it was only Safwan,Khai & Basit. cause it has been decades too when i last met them. short meet ups,they headed for karaoke and Danny and I,headed home. getting to know Syulala is meeting Suzie @ Hougang Green makes me jealous. eeeeerrrrrgh! i want to be back in Serangooon! can? ): called Muhd Khalid earlier on,he was unwell. he's voice sound so fever-ish & flu-ish.heh. nyehh! i miss him many many. okays.the end! (: PHOTOS UPDATES! (: MEET UPS WITH DANNY,DANIAL,ALIFF & GF. (: > Danial & Aliff are 2 boys at the age of 16. there's more boys actually.but they werent around that time. and yes! when i was in Sec 5,they were in Sec 3. and they just love hanging around with us during school days. which goes the same for us too.hah! so yeaaa.the meet up was a short one cause it was a last minute call. (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the reason why i said he is a bit different. ![]() we were talking about soccer player butts.. and Aliff said.. "mcm gini ehh? mcm gini ehhh?" when he is also a boy who plays soccer, so doesnt that make him a soccer player too? LOL. ![]() ALIFF! (: ![]() DANIAL! (: ![]() ![]() ![]() Aliff & Gf. ![]() Everyone! (: ![]() ![]() AND THAT IS ABOUT IT. gotta dress up now! chao! L-O-V-E. (:
i want to be random first. i notice that singapore spent alot christmas decorations. now,come to think of it...christmas is oveeeeer. it is like,a month of decorations,a day of celebration! just a day.likeee...woaaah! this just comes to mind.whatever laaa k. it doesnt affect me either.haha! today,saturday,went for theory.sucha instructor i've got! then dropped by Delish! to meet Nur Atikah. she did some story telling.which is funny.really funny. besides that,nothing muccch. 3rd sister planned for swimming but failed. and my house has never been quiet when the 4 siblings comes together. my sisters,they'll talk likee.."agdsfbuifrejgrkjgelhefjb...." never ending stories & arguements.very funny.haa! i am now waiting for uploaded photos from Danny. i wanna upload it here. cause i finally met 2 boys after so long.but,only 2. =.= ooohh! and that is Danial. picture taken last year. (?) now,he is a little bit different. which i dont know why.heh. and he makes me miss those boys.sigh.LOL. (: and to you,i hear your name everywhere. your voice seems so near yet so far away. your condition has always been my concern. i miss you like always,but lesser each day. gooodnight! (:
moood; neglected.
i know.i have been so into blogging. and that is because i wanna share everything i could. i'll feel good re-reading my entries after sometime. cause i tend to know how life has been for me. haha.okayee.enough. yes,i feel neglected now. no one neglects me but i just feel so. i almost meet up Safwan,Ali & Farhan.yes,almost. like after so long,i really wanna meet up people i could. but Ali,called minutes late. and hearing what Safwan said was like...aaaaahhh! indeed it has been so long since we lepak together. so long since we chatted on the phone. his voice is so different. and he says,oh,im 18.my voice breaks. =.= wtf! haha! okay.i miss you Muhd Safwan Bin M.A. (: and so i did give a skip meeting them. and headed home with Danny & Daniel instead. will upload pictures soon. and i'll introduce Daniel to my blog.okays?! (: im beat now. my days are full of hope. and i've been waiting every single day. just to hear a 'HELLO' from you. goodnight. (: i miss bestfriend & i miss tweenie. just one news! pleaseeee.i really wanna shareee. heh.know what?! RAIFANA BINTE ABDUL RAHMAN, MADE IT THRU HER EXAMS! LIKEEEE...WAHHHHH! got an A for Project Management. another A for Clinical Nursing. but just a B for Behavioural Science! despite that,i am over the moooon! weeee! and i texted Mr Handsome straight away after learning about it. haha! seee how excited i was. and this sentence by him boost up my level of studying: "that was a greaaaat improvement!" and yeaaaay for Atikaaah! hooooraaaaaay! (: okaye,that is about it. now off to meeting Dannny! it has been ions since i meet Danny. byeeeeee! (: |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |