![]() and today is saturday! i got very excited just now. all because of seeing a man weeping in front of me. haha.heh. like what i told my friends,i love watching boys cry and fight! verrrrry exciting know! okay enough.i apologise for blogging about this. but still,i couldnt stop smiling.hah! (: and yeaaaa,received call from Mohd Khalid,like a wekap call. like finally ehhhh! i was being so worried and he was so shocked.. yet never fail to calm me down! i can get very very worried at times,randomly. but again,whatever it is,i know that he's alright! thank God and pleaseeee,bless him. now,i really really need to start studying. exams a day or 2 away,yet have not start on anything.heh. im just beinnnng very very lazzzzzzy! okay,devils,pleaseeee go away. i neeeed some angels now to be by my sideeee.hehe. lame,i know.heh! takecareee okay.byeeee lovelieeees! (: - my eyes didnt but my heart did,boy. AND THESE WERE IN APRIL 2008.. WE'LL SEE THE DIFFERENCE ONCE I UPLOAD THE LATEST PICAS! (:
okay.i've watched that show. got very excited and was melting.ahhhhh! macam biaseee,Hady was awesome! gooodnesss! his facee is so nice to be admired laaa.hehe. (: alright alright.about school today.. nothing can be as boring as today. i dont see peoplee im hoping to see. and school's eeennndinnnng sooooon! OHHH MY GOODNESSS! next year,things will be different.and i think im gonna hate that! yeaaa so uhuh.video for Mr Crissybear's done! he'll be back in school tomorrow after 2 days of mc. i pity JN0804C cause we cant live without him even for a day. bleaaaaah! anddd yeaaa.. to be trueee,dancing in lab today wasnt that bad. in fact,it was tirinnnnng! students gila,lecturer also gilaa.haha. ohhhh! i dont see Safwan.i dont see Saiful.i dont see small Taufeeeq. i dont even seee Mr HawtStuff today! BUT! me Fatin and Nicole,we found new friend,Irfyan,today. briefly,he a schoolmate of mine, whom i've been asking chocolates from since yesterday. that was because his box of chocolates seems attractive.heh. the only thing was that,we dont even know him.HAHA! i dont know why but being in school makes me so frieeendly.LOL. about yesterday,we ate ' honey honeystars '.. made by students from Sports & Management. they told us they were selling brownies but it turns out to be honeystars instead. and seriously,sedaaaaap gilerrrr oyyyy! and the one who made it was a guy.hawtsex laaa! haha. the bad thing was that,we couldnt help them with their event.. to be a first aider due to having attachment. so their favour was being declined.heh. only our first year in nursing and they offer us that job! macam pahamm ehh! lol. another thing about yesterday,Nur Atikah almost lost her new phone! banyak punyeee carelesss ehhh! haiyaakkk! and yeaaaaa! journey home was with classmate Taufeeq & friennnnds! LOL. bunch of niceee yet irritating people.HAHA! okay okay. whatever it is,i loveeee school! hehe. (:
first and foremost,assignments all DONE!
and to my team mates.. i apologise for being harsh or maybe pushing yall too mucch. i just feel that i had too. it may stress and tire us up,but believe me.. it'll help us in future. cause i was once told that, EFFORT PRODUCE SUCCESS! (:<BR> ehhhh,but not timee to rock and roll yet. now is the timeee to opeen book and revisee. hahaha.irritating eehhh Raifana! alright.obviously,it shows how busy i was with school. but whatever it is still,i loveeee going to school. cause certain people are niceee to be seen.hehehe. WOW! HAHAHA! and yesterday,2nd brader texted. suprisingly,Amir tooo! i can be so excited only to receive messages from theeem! and yeees! im heading down to hometown sooon,insyaallah! now! im already missing my handphoneee. i wonder where Muhd Safwan is now and what he's doing with it. pleaseee lahhh ehhh,i really want it back the way i gave it away. hahaha. ohhhhh!i remembered.my lecturer's unwell. tskkk.awwww! borinnng laaa gini. GET WELL SOOON PLEASEEE! okaaaay,penat,i sweaaar! timeee to charge myself so yeaaaa.. GOODNIGHT LOVELIES! hug hug kiss kiss lovee loveee.CHAO! (:
im sitting here all by myself
just trying to think of something to do trying to think of something anything just to keep me thinking of you but you know it's not working out cause your all that's on my mind one thought of you is all it takes to leave the rest of the world behind i didnt mean for this to go as far as it did i didnt mean to get so close and share what we did and i didnt mean to fall in love but i did and you didnt mean to love me back but i know you did im sitting here trying to convince myself that you are not the one for me but the more i think the less i believe and then the more i want you here with me you know the holidays are coming up i dont want to spend them alone memories of x-mas time with you just kills me if im on my own i know it's not the smartest thing to do we just cant seem to get it right but what i wouldnt give to have one more chance tonight one more chance tonight im sitting here trying to entertain myself with this old guitar but with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far i look around my room and everything i see reminds me of you oh please baby wont you take my hand we've got nothing left to prove and i didnt mean to meet you then when we were just kids i didnt mean to give you chills the way that i kiss and i didnt mean to fall in love but i did and you didnt mean to love me back but i know you did dont say you didnt love me back cause you know you did no you didnt mean to love me back but you did i just realise so maaaanny things in me. things that couldnt be removed. things that are kept permanently in heart, even though it is aching every single day. to get it off,time and again,i failed. telling lies to ownself doesnt work,so i dont know what else to do. till tears have dried up. lifee journey was given as it's meant to be like they said, i have to take it with a warmth welcome. i have to learn opening heart to accept certain things. i have to learn to let go what's not mine. and i have to learn to understand that if its meant to be yours,it'll certainly come back one day even if your bones are cracking already. cause it is meant for you no one else,but you. - i've never hate the gift i've got. like i told him,i miss him alot. few days never meet in school,finally,only yesterday bumped into him. happy sekejap! haha. and yes,i dont know whether to go for the saturday's thing or not. looks likee they'll have funn. nevermind,we'll see how okay wan! (: i dont know why but he calls himself Dwyane Johnson.. it's weird but true laaa. and im glad that he's been fine,very very fineee! so Alep,carry on ehhhh. masok laaa bakul,lepas tu angkat sendiri k. HAHAHA! ohhhh yahhhhh. sometimes im too adorable for youu to layan.hehe. also,know what?! this friend of mine..he actually has a battle with The Rock. yeaaa,the wrestler. amazing,isnt it? WOW! haha. okay enough for now. updates: school was awesome.came at 11 when school starts at 8. watched soccer and also some performances at forum. saw Sheikh Mubarak's temper! i was so shocked but he manage to come to us with a smile. and i like that way.haha.the opponent was too nonsense! and while watching performance,saw Taufeeeeq! with the wide smile he gave.. *melts* HAHAHA! summarise,didnt learn anything in school today. lecturer brought up topic on chalet,which he'll sponsor us on. and seriously..I cant wait for the day to comeeee! hooooraaaaaay! one last thing,Nur Atikah Binte Jamil. i apologise for not tagging along to Toa Payoh just now. insyaallah,i will tag tomorrow for the rehearsal! ohhhhhhh! and i dont know why,but these few days.. i've been missing my secondary schoolmates,alot! that's all. Goodnight! Chao lovelies! (: today,18th november,Nurul Fatin HAD A FALL!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAAHAAAHAH! the sound effect was soooo loud,like nangka busuk jatuhh siaa! and she actually fell somewhere very public,in school. OMG! i jst couldnt stop laughing.HAHAHA! okay Fatin,i apologise! NEXT UP! the "concert" @ school's forum was nicee! nice music played.and also nice hawt people seeen! WOOOOTS! (: ohhh and we we just being ourself but schoolmates just find us kecoh! i wonder whyyy! haha. (: ALI ALI MAHIR! finally had a short chat cause he was working. i still cant remember him wishing me on 25th but he said he did. haha.to be trueee,mcm lupeee pon adee jugak.heh. and i was sooo happy to receive msges from him. HAHA.i dont know why. maybe because i just miss him alot! been seeing him often in school and i make him famous! haha.now he got peminat alr.LOL. and it's all because of the phrase.. " bend it like Acai! " (: HAHA! (: ALIF RIDHWANNNNN! rindu kamu banyak banyak. school dekat,tapi tak pernah jumpeee! bleaaaaah! okay okay,sleeeeepy alr! goodnight ehhh! (: - im laughing out loud,are you satisfied?
okay im verrrry muuccch sure that this boy forgets me! till today,no calls or text msg from him. when i text,he doesnt even bother to reply! and still got the cheek to tell Danny that he called me on 25th october ehh! grrrr! marahhh betol nihhh. i wouldnt even know that he've got his license if friends doesnt spread it. okaaay enough.cant be bothered anymore. i'll just pray for youu lahh k. wherever you are,pleaseee pleasee pleaseee.. take good care of yourself! i miss you more than your gf does! hehe. (: second things about today.. my lost day cause no matter how many times my lecturer explain, i still tend to be lost.i dont get a single thing! which is so freeeaking irritating tao. nevermind about that. 17th november.. all in mind today was to get everything i used to have back again. i really really really want them back. caannn i? pleeeeaseeeee! alright,gooooodnight! chao! (: HELLO!!! previous night was freaking cold, and my two sweaters were washed.. so there,something i grabbed from wardrobe. it reminds me of everything! OKAY NEXT! ![]() ![]() and looook! at the pink-black bag.hehe. ohhhh.and "preeeety" Atikah! (: ![]() ![]() very niceee day out swimming.. it rained and the lights in toilet went off! HAHA! okay,that's mainly about it. school schedule has been pretty packed. practical test over! 2 written test over! but one coming up this week! and two more exams to go before ending my 1.2 module. ohhhh and also,project to be completed. anddd yeaaa! school has been very exciting. got to know moree people,get to meet Acai and Safwan often, which i wished for every single day even when they're being irritating. hehe.LOL. (: besides school,meet ups with Suzieanty Danny and Syulala for the past 2 weekends. time with them has never been boring. not forgetting Renie,the MAN-U fan! HAHA! the gilrfriends also; Nicole Fatin Munirah Atikah. like every day we see each others face.pathetic tao! haha.but still,i lovee them more and more. okay,now got to go for classs! (: byeeeee! |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |