everything happens with a reason.
you said,never. you said,when busy only. you said,everytime. you said,the best. you said,care. you said,pleaseee. you even uttered,promise. you said and uttered more than these. but,does everything you said comes with a reason? does everything you said has its means? just another soul entering your life could make you forget. ohhhh,how i wish i could forget everything easily just like you did. so that i wouldnt even care to hold my words. i give up!
time checked : 1320pm.
just wokap and feel likee blogging.heh. last night was sleepless and had few friends as companion. Amir texted at the very nicee timing. but,i can never avoid not to fight with him.eeerrghh! chatted with Khairi,a short chat before pre-dawn meal.. and then saw Nabila onlinee,so had a short chat with her too. also came KhairulNizam,who suddenly scolded me for not giving him comments.. which i already did while waiting for him to end bathing.hahaha. so now,he owes me oneee ehhhh! LOL. (: health was reeally annoying for the past few days.. and i dont wanna go doctor,cause i know, doctors will just create stories to make me worry about myself. but the signs are showing me the negativees! to be true,im sick and tired of it,really. so i shouldnt waste my time worrying lahh ehh.haha. ohhhh also,texted Mohd Khalid before break fast yesterday. RANDOMLY! cause i feel the urge to.heh. till he thought something happened to me.haha. it's all because of a stranger who texted me the day before, reminding me about homies. calling me Miss Efa and appear to be someone who wants to be my friend. who elseee would call me Efa besidees them? mum? or kakak? haha. good but slow in creating stories..and it is so typical homies lahhhh kann. everytimee change number,i'll be their first victim. it is so difficult fo them to just inform me about their new number! IJIOT! but still,i miss them badly. not them maybe but their nonsense. hahaha.LOL. (: ehhhh! the timee is here for me to dress up! hehe.byeee! (: ![]() wahhh. how many more days to raya? wooo! exciteed siaa. not because of raya but because of fasting.. i've completed 25 days okay! COMPLETED 25 DAYS OF FASTING! hehehe.thank God for that. (: okay okay next. AMAZINGLY,i saw Syulala onlineee. haha.and omg Syulala is so funny!haha. sssshhh.i know you reading..so keep quiet k.HAHA. i cant stop laughing. me following your footsteps?haha. cann lahh.because you more tue mahh.LOL. jiwe siaa Syu! haha. these happened due to the guessing games played.haa! besidees that,i helped mum with raya kuihhs. gahhh.how niceee. (: okay lahh enough.penat siaa. and and! the pretty boy is hereee! ooohhh! (: lagi excited! hehe. Goodnight Friends. (: what a random picture.lol. (: FINALLY! it took me like a week to update on the day out with classmates. hehe.awesome! i mean the break-ing fast moment with them were awesome. actually,not as awesome as other outings lahh,which i dont know why. but it's okay cause it went well.haha. starting of the day,irritates me cause i got lost. i was latee and couldnt find the restaurant they're at. how to know kann,so covered! and breaking fast was hilarious,due to sitting beside Ali and Jahan. HAHA.just because of feeding taugehs.wth! camwhoring outside the restaurant before heading to sheeesha-ing. when im not really into it,just because i dont feel likee it. and im underage at that,but i thought it was okay. the previous timee i went,it wasnt that strict.LOL. it was only then i notice,everyone has grown-up and is legal. except me.ohhh! i've still got Safwan.haha. and happy enough to know,im not the youngest.HAHA. to cut it short,we had fun.really,no lies. (: okay,let's just browse thru the pictures lahh ehhh. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() all grown-up! except me lahh.hehe. (: alright,Takecare friends. (: HAPPY BIRTHDAY,ATIKAH! she's the one on the right. and a sad thing,she's unwell on her birthday for this year. and last year too.LOL. so,get well sooon pleasee! (: also,we need you for a day out with us tao. jangan lupee ehh! (: okay,im tired. blogged for Atikah's sake,cause it's her birthday. so the least i could do is to have an entry specially for her kann. haha.alright,Goodnight! (:
eighteen september two thousand eight.
today was indeed greeeat! was freaking lazy for school,to be true,almost skipped it. but my angel force me to wekap, reminding me about practical. LOL.haha. and indeed it was paid off attending school. learnt new skills lahh sehh. and met lovely ijiot irritating friends. whom made me laugh most of the timees. except for Atikah,who's unwell on the eve of her birthday.haha. and she's suppose to be Completely Rest In Bed! hopefully she doeees lahh ehh.LOL. (: aside from that,was on my way home when Amir texted me. wooohoooo! HAPPY skejap! hehe. (: and yesterday was so funny.. cause he thought i was angry with him,and me,vice versa. HAHAHA. ohh mann! im all smiled. (: okay,Goodnight.hehe. HELLO! (: awesome ehh. so,how nicee do you think my Class Advisor is? at hometown pon he remember us. LOL. and the first picture,that's very important everytime i go school. without that,like living in fear siaa in school. hahaha. (: NEXT! i bought slipperS.heh. nicee okay! i was just window shopping when these two attracted my attention. so actually,i got no motive of spending.haha. and yahh,greeen is making me go "WAHHH!" hehe. (: new slipper lahh sehh. exciteeeeed! (: another new pair. it only cost me ten bucks! good deal babehh! (: aside from my belongings,past few days,
one five o nine o eight.
haha. irritating ehhh! (: okay,today,i felt that im a weird girl. i just notice that people in my lifee,they just come and go. likeee hotel likee that.hehe. i dont know whether to be thankful for them or what. recently someone just went away.. and last two days,someone else came back to me. i dont know what to do and i cant say that i dont want them in lifee. cause they has own reasons for being so. for myself,i dont even know when im settling down.. im just feeling young still,very young okay! and i always had my answers when people questioned me. maybe,not answers but excuses lahh ehh! to be true,i dont know what im waiting for. all i wanna say is,i apologise to people who had been hurt. i dont even know if you're hurt or not. and i dont wanna know. so,seriously,im glad that people like you all made an effort to text me, every day and night. Alhamdullillah. and i should actually thank God for that. hoping that my phone would never stop ringing every single day. cause,i never want to be left alonee.can i? (: labels: sometimes,boyfriends are the best.agree? hehe. had another family gathering today. but i didnt know so many would turn up. cause i just wore my bemudas there. whatever lahh okay. (: continue..Kak Lynn did manage to cook nicee nicee food. awesome! all home made know. and met Abg Topik after quite a whilee. sucha nerd.and getting slimmer. ehh no no.thinner i should say. and he says: takpee,yang penting muscle masih ade,masih strong. * showed off his tak seberapenye muscle * after that i went to make a drink for myself, and asked Kak Lynn for a cup.. * Kak Lynn took out a cup * me: ehhh mcm kenal jek cawan.. Kak Lynn: SSSSHHH! Abg Fik nyee. me: haha. * make a drink * *went out of kitchen..* Abg Topik: EHHH! familiar nyee cawan. me: really? ohhh,i brought it from home. *and walked off*<> and when i turned back to look at him, he shouts, "PENYAMUN!" (: HAHA.it was so kecohh when everyone comes together under a roof. and believe it or not,4 kids can make the house runtuh. the shouting..omg,org kene rogol pon kalah sehhh.LOL. (: ohhh back to the night.. uncle abangs and the four older kids when for prayers at nearby mosque. and me,standard..watch my daily indon drama,Cinta Fitri.haha. ohhh! i was so attracted to Kak Lynn's crib.heaven sehh! alright alright! now lets just browse thru some pictures.heh. see how nicee decorated Abg Dean's house is. done by him and wifee.cool ehh! whilee Abg Topik only know how to comment,LOL. (: and that's all about today,Goodnight lovees! (:
can i begin with one two o nine o eight?
errr..which is the day before today. okay can! (: yesterday was a friday. and yesterday was the last day at the ward. was very excited and everyone was in good mood. just because it's gonna eeend.haha. nevermind.aside about work. Danny actually called out at the very last minute. and yeaa,had dinner and went shopping together... which actually turned out to be so much fun. till it slipped our mind that we actually wanted to take pictures. believe it or not,not even a picture taken.haha ohhh! yesterday also i gotta know something new about Danny. and i did gave Danny an advice.cause that's all i could do.LOL.(: after a short evening with Danny,met Tweenie (after sucha long time). had supper together,met Alif too. slept over Tweenie's place,had pre-dawn meal in room. no no.errr..just finish up our Famous Amos cookies and had sips of water. back to sleep and Tweenie actually didnt wake me up for prayer, due to a simple sweet reason. she's so niceee.but im nicerr.heh. (: and i think i should stop here for Friday's updates. let's go to Saturday! (: one three o nine o eight. continue from Tweenie's house.. mum called,telling me not to wake up late cause im at people's house. but the advice given doesnt work on me.hehe. i was asked to go Geylang,so i did,bought mum's stuff and headed homee. thinking about tomorrow,dinner at Abg Topik's house,sigh! but to be true,im glad to have these people in lifee. they occupy my timee and my mind. which makes me not remember the unpleasants.. and gets better in a nick of timee. they just appear whenever i thougt i need them. it's true that they dont know what's happening but, being with them to have fun is already enough for me. i dont expecct moreee. cause it feels nicee to have companion when you dont feel good. alright.enough updates on these two days. im tireeed! Goonight readers. thanks a bunch for reading.i appreciate it. (: ohhh yeahhh,one last thing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY,AMIR. (: i've been missing you since i shifted. no more going 7-11 with you in the middle of the night. haha.i'll pray for you,that's the least i could do. (: HOMIES MISSING SESSION! (: ![]() ![]() ![]() HEHE. ![]() QUATER OF THE HOMIES! (: TO CUT IT SHORT,I MISS THEM ALL! VERY MUCHHH INDEED! (: and i feel that every one of them has changed. all old already mahh,except me.(: they gotta be serious in lifee now.haha.mcm paham! actually,i changed too. from a student to a business girl! hehehehe. (: on the other note,nothing's gooood today except for work. and i feel neglected.nyeahhh! okay,GOODNIGHT!(: o nine o nine o eight. HAPPY BIRTHDAY REDZA! (: hopefully we can meet some time soon, very very soon. cause i miss you more than you miss me. hehe. okay,that's all. goodnight lovelies! (:
o eight o nine o eight..
was just a another day for me. work thruout the day and home just an hour ago. and weather was freaking cold.. just nicee for a cup of hot chocolate! hehe.i learnt that from a friend of minee. ohhh anyways,this was funny. sister's bf called me when i was a bustop waiting for bus home. and it was raining heavily. i didnt save his number and this happen.. sister's bf: "hello! Singapore Fire Station.." me: *thinking with a frown* sister's bf: "HELLO! SINGAPORE'S FIRE STATION!" me: "where the hell is Singapore's Fire Station? "and why are you calling me?" me: "ehh?" me: "nak pe?!" *when i dont know who's on line..* sister's bf: "you got umbrella not?" me: huh?ohhhh! ade! ade! sister's bf: okay byee! i was being so so blurr. does Singapore Fire Station even exist? HAHA. and the number was familiar.. that's why i go.."ehh?" and just continued talking when i dont know who's on line. cause i know that i've heard the voice before.LOL. he was also very very irritating. i've yet to reply him and he hung the phone. crustycrab! afterall,he's just being concerned! hehe. (: ohh.yesterday met Abg Dean and Kak Lynn. the family of polo tee and bemudas.haha. one whole family wearing that to geylang. and we had dinner at aunt's place.nicee. next week,sunday,will be at Abg Topik's crib. if God's willing and if im not lazy..(: okay.Goodnight dearests! (: ![]() HOLLA! (: okay first,introducing,Arizza (above). he's currently in Indonesia,cause he stays there. my feeling is so random,that's why i suddenly misses him. ALOT! ohhhh.he's also known as,ARIZZA HEBAT! (: alright alright! next! a lil update about yesterday okay. was tired so didnt manage to blog and slept at 11pm. ohhh.i met the lil girl i miss,Alyssa. cause i went Abg Topik's house yesterday just to send her the biscuit mum bought. hehe.and also texted with dearest bf.. him complaining of tiredness and not able to sleep for some unreasonable reasons. haha.it is so him. (: summarise,yesterday was a little bit better than other days. LOL. (: let's get to today! early morning,was supeeer lazy for work. working in the current ward makes me doesnt want to work. hahaha.but the patients make me want to work. GET ME? (: actually,nothing much about today. except for tweenie.she texted me. and im so relief,glad and happy cause i've been waiting for the moment, when she'll text me and pour out everything. but i guess there's more to it lahh,kann? it's okay dearest. AND! REMEMBER THE ROUTINE I ASKED YOU TO DO OKAY! i really expect " tweenie " (your name) to appear on my phone often. besides that,im true to what i texted earlier.. " one day when there's no one there for you,you dont have to worry. " " cause im always right here with an open arms,just for youu. " I LOVEE YOU ALOT ALOT OKAY! (: alright,that's it for today. tomorrow working PM. but still have to wekap morning..nyeahh! selamat malam! goodnight! (:
back to school today for simulation.. and first thing early in the morning was told this.. " raifana? okay.raifana,i'll remember you! " bleahhh! that was because i forgot to bring my landyard, and also answering every questions with a smilee. haha.confused kann? i dont know..the lecturer just lovees me.HAHA. ohhh! and before that,i saw that man after such a long timee. MR CRISSYBEAR!!! he was already smiling from far the moment he sees me. haha.just because of the text msg received from me yesterday. and he's smile never fades.LOL. (: besides that,day went smoothly and went home with Maisarah & Mardiana. hehehehe. but was also disspointed to see none of my sweethearts.booo! alright alright.got to go. chao! (: ![]() HAPPY CELEBRATING FASTING MONTH,
DEAREST MUSLIM FRIENDS! HOORAY! as of today,we start fasting.. and a month laterr,we'll start HARI RAYA-ING!!!! YEAY YEAY! (: haha.alright! mission to be completed then can celebrate ehhh. ohhh.and today i manage to chat with tweenie. if i had known that she was at the event place on saturday.. i would steal time just to meet her. but it's okay.how would we notice each other with that kinda crowd kann. and she's so funny. went there with a blank mind?hehe. not knowing anyonee on stage. if i were her,i would be bored to death.HAHA. and yesterday night,this boyfriend of mine texted.. just to remind me to eat and to make sure i puase. it's likee as if i told him i dowan to fast.bleahhh! so random! so i told him,he too couldnt give excuses for not fasting. and too bad lahh,in camp,training from day to night..HAHA. okay let's stop here. it's timee to prepare for break fasting! chao people! (: ohhh! texted Mr Mustafa Kamal,Mdm Ng,Ms Rafika & Mr Crissybear! MDM NG: THANKS A BUNCH FOR THE WISH! (: MR MUSTAFA KAMAL: THANK YOU FOR THE WISH AND YOU,TAKECARE OKAY.(: MR CRISSYBEAR: THANK YOU RAIFANA.(: how can i not miss them? tsk.sigh. whatever it is.. HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY! (: P.S: I MISS THAT LIL GIRL. (: |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |