![]() this is Shahrol. and today,he starts a new life. im so happy for him and i wish all the best for his future. ohhhhh.I Miss Him.heh. (: okeee okee.next is a bad news. bestie's mum got hospitalized. visited at TTSH just now and also met Nicole. hahaha.i kinda get attracted to her nametag lahh.cool ehh. ohhh back to story.. yupp.the visit allows me to meet up few people. people who i've not seen for long. for now,all i could do is to hopee that bestie's mum would get well soon. i lovee her alot lahhh okeee despite the naggings.heh. ahhhhh! Mohd Khalid texted me early morning. as early as i start work. informing that he has been busy and.. met up with an accident lagi!!!! and i replied him this: accident lagi? then,how's your bike? OF ALL QUESTIONS OKEE. i asked about his bike instead of his condition. hehe.i didnt know what i was thinking okeee. lol.okee okee nehmind. he's SAFE! and that's all i need to know. and im meeting him soon.kann?hehe. (: alright.goodnight.
![]() and next,the 30th july. a very closee closee adorable friend-cum-brother, Mohd Khalid. his turning twenty today,so yeaaa.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART! (: ohhhh i misss you many many siaaa. i'll see youu soon okeee. Also,I Love You,Dude. (: Tabitha Nicole Tessensohn. a friend whom i've been engaged to for the past few months. and on this birthday of hers, im wishing her all the best in whatever goals she've set. just believe in yourself,babe. and i know,you can and you will make it. EHHH! I LOVEEEE YOU! (: ohhh! and this is for you sweetheart. " happy birthday to you. " " happy birthday to you. " " happy birthday to Nicole.. " " happy birthday to youuuuuuuu! " HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY,
eeeehhh HELLO! im back again after few busy days. (: and today,was awesome! had Nurse's Day Celebration.whooooaaa! never want it to eeeend. the dancing screaming shouting laughing.. the performers effort was indeed paid off. nurses wouldnt want to leave the auditorium okeee. just imagine the so called Head of Department lead the dancing thing.. lectures dancing hipppeddydhoppp.wow! hahaha.baeeeek kapeerrr?! and after that went having lunch with girlfriends. again,Atikah couldnt make it. she got things to attend to so cannot blame her. but overall,today was fun.really! no lieees. and also today make me feel better being a nurse.(: aside from that,was away from family for the past few weeks. but was being by patient's side for the whole few weeks. the feeling of being by their side was never better. sometimes i wouldnt want them to be discharge even. and to my sixteenyearsold patient.. sorry for laughing at you and also tickling your injured leg. you might not read this but i feel good to have apologise. hahaha.FON patient! *full of nonsense* but i know you likeeee it.haha.(: not forgetting my dearest tweeenie. just bear in mind that whatever is happening or had happened, im always here for you with an open arms. likeeee you always do for meee. I MISS YOU BABE.MORE THAN YOU DO INDEED.(:
and these sweethearts of mine: Tabitha Nicole Tessensohn Mohd Khalid 1st sister,Rameeza Norsyuhailah Abdul Basit Ali Al Mahir HAPPY ADVANCE BIRTHDAY SWEETHEARTS! turning a year older,a year wiser.(: it's another MONDAAAAYYY!!!! work: ahhhhh! work is getting more and more boring. my irrit disturbance annoying noisy patients are all discharged! looooks like i gotta find more of that type of patients.. just to make myself enjoooy working daily.hehe. okeeee.that's enough for today. others: met my nephew (khairul) just now. he was wondering in a shoppinnng mall.aloneee. with his baju kurung,because it's racial harmony. and also,he didnt tell his mum about goinnnng there after school. as it waaas raininnng heavily,i decided to send him home. otw home,we've got this lil secret about not tellinnng his mum where i found him.mischievious kid! upon reaching his home,saw Abg Topik's shoeee. enteeeer rumahhh,his room door was wideee opened. naseeeeb baik tak knock intooo it.LOL.(: i heard Ryan's and Alyssa's voice,but.. sinceee malas to enter their room,i just shouteeed.. " byeeeeebyeeeee! " hahaha.i often do that okeeee. alright alright. i actually just wanna share the story about my nephew. sooo naughty kann.after school merayappp! never tell parents lagi. lucky found this niceee lovely makcik here to keep secret. if not,goneeee caseeee! confirm rahsia bocor.hahaha. ehh just one story and it makes the post so lonnnng. enough lahhhh okeee. i'll seeee youu wheeen i seee youu.. (: ahhhhh yahhhhh! i misss himmmm alot alot okeeee.(: ![]() which means tomorrow is a start of another working week. heh.okee okee. im all prepared to wekap earrrrrly morninnnnng.(: ohhhh,i was nagged today when i got up from bed. about my phone ringinnnng out so loud. and disturbing 2nd and3rd sister's sleeep.. cause i decided to sleeeeep over in their room yesterday.haha. aboout the phone ringinnnng. at 630 am,2nd brother called. he's always full of nonsense,calling me at any time he wants. suchhhh an ijiot! then at 930am,Mohd Khalid pulakkk msg. wishing goood morning and stufff. a lil bit difficult for me to understand. cause i just dont know whether they wokap early morninnng, or maybe they have yet to sleeeep for the day. but still,im so glad to receive msges and calls from them. whichhh mean..THEY REMEMBER MEEEE! hahahahappy sekejap..and i thank god for that. next up! i remembered about that three boys up there. soooo loooonnnnng already never go out with them. they are taking their 'N' level this year. so let's wishhh all the best for them. hey boys! study smart okaaaay. not forgetting Nurul Afiqahhhh & Nabilaaa too. alot alot missesss.(: tassssh all for todaaaay folks! and let's wait for tomorrow.. failed cause had to teman mum to market today. and atikah texted earlier saying that the judges said.. " see you in the next round ". i was sleepinnnng lahhhh okeee. but then,wekap,bace msg,then tersenyum.haha. so confirmed,the next round,mati mati i must go. annnd atikah,see you next week okeee.imy many many. (: aiyohhhh.my mum so randomm siaa. was chit chatting with kakak when she suddenly talk about Abg Topik. just because she heard his voice on tv.haha.weird. next,saturday is ending soon. tomorrow is a sunday,and day after that,back to ward 2. back to handling all types of patients. back to having lil secrets and story telling.haha. ohhhhhh,hopefully,everything goes well for the coming week at work. hopefully lahhh okeee.heh! ehhhhh having stomachache lahhh. few daaaays know this stomach upsetting.yaiiiiks! okeeokee.goodnight lahhh k.(:
ohhh yeaaaa.
cause i just love the way it is. and im so happy,im so gladddd.. that i have you! OK GOAL! LET'S START STORY TELLING.. work: AM shift.okeeee lahhhhh. but i still prefer PM shift.heh. ohhhh.i misssss Patrick! and yessss! there are certain things which i have to endure with. so..bear okeee Raifana.hehe. others: got home after work and then went over to Abg Topik's house. as usual,dim lights on,but snoring like snorlex. ( haha.okeee i think that's exaggerating.lol. ) and saw the hawt kids. alamakkkk! melt sekejap.woooo! ohhh.planned to watch Beach Ball Babes with 3rd sister. but 1st sister spoiled it. kerane have to follow her take clothes. BAJE WEDDING AND RAYEEE DA SIAAAPPPP! cool or whudddd.hahaha. kk enuf.now chatting with nabilaaaa. after so lonnnng lahhhh okeeee. and getiing to sleep after this,so takecareee ehhh! (:
heh.and i just got home from work. actually,i've got alot to complain today. but nehmind lahhh k. patients thingy are secrets.haha. ohhhh.i do love my ward. BUT! nothing's perfect lahhh kann. okay okay.stop it about work. texted Basit yesterday. he hasnt go my number annd this happens. " Basit.3rd august datang rumah Raifana k. " thank you. (: " and he replied this.. " Raifana sape ehh? " HAHAHA! so heartbroken sehh.ijiot! he knows me since young but just dont know who's Raifana. and that's my homies.always go with Efa.bleahhh! so now,im promoting my name,Raifana. Raifana oke!call me by my name,RAIFANA! hehehe.irrit girl. ehh alamak! got to go lahhh.chao! (: booooo! my neck's hurting. ohhhhh and tmr attachment at hospital,first day. stuff packed.and CONFIRM! nametag wont be forgotten cause it's alrdy in my bag. hehe. ehhh! i saw zeeeed just now.hah! NEXT! khalid texted yesterday. informing that one of his friend just went away. telling me to forget about asking the reason cause it's ajal. everytime before i could ask,he always answers me first. and all i could tell him was that.. ehh! takecare. i miss you. (: ahhh also,i actually forgot 2nd brother's birthday. supposed to be 10th july but only yesterday i wished him. he say my calendar lambat. and that's him,never fails to kutuk me.basket! BUT! i love himm. (: ohhhh it's late. goodnight pals.chao! today,i went to meet homies. planned to meet ashraf only at his void deck, just to send invitation card cause they are the "VIP's" but turns out meeting four of them instead,having lunch. and they went.. Fa,3 of us having our bikes soon. so next time got outing,semue tak tertinggal.. cause there'll be more bikes. and i said.. ohhhh finally! so make sure come my house in august. if not,your bike will be my victim.haha. i dont find this a good news lahh.. cause no one to naek bus wimme anymore. nevermind lahhh ehhh. i rarely go out with them already since school started. bleahhhh.as long as they are happy. ohhhh.bad news lagikkk.takpee. cheer up Raifana! (: am going to sleep,so sweet dreams! and yelahhh,BuBuFly, continue privating your blog ehhh! H-O-O-R-A-Y! ehhhh wait! issit suppose to be something happy or sad? 5 days ended just like that. and we were only starting to know them well. awwwww! tsk! but these days seems to be good. just that i felt so sleepy.haha. and feedback gotten from them was good indeed. so,it's like,one test had just past. YEAY! alright.and the next thing is,i miss my 5n2. chatted with Muhd Safwan on thursday. my goodnessss! prangai tak ubah ubah ehhhh! hahaha.just looking at my lappy screen made me laugh. my sister was wondering why. and that Safwan,it was like few weeks back i asked him a question.. only yesterday he answered me.sigh. he claims to be a businessman. handling school,soccer and work. mentang mentang mentang ade girlfriend..haha.WTH! step mane pehh mane jekkk.LOL. ohhhh and i shall text him soon. must remember lahhh horr. ok goal.tash all folks. goodnight readers.chao! (:
i was away yesterday night. and there i was.. spending night at hometown, also to send bestie's mum some food from mum. live so far away already still wanna send food. ingat delivery perr.heh. and i just wokap around 6plus just now.hah! ohhh ohhh! i should have taken this boy's photo,Mr Fathul. he's my joker lahhh. thanks to him i've gotten stomach cramps. hell lahh his jokes. and he's becoming Bowen's P.E teacher. how can i imagine that.GOSHHH! it's for attachment cause he's currently in ITE West. going to school riding a bike,to attract school girls ehh? hahaha. omg! a teacher who's full of himself.wth! all the best okay Mr Fathul. maybe i shall get a picture of him here sometime. aiyahhh.now got to go cousin's house. update again sometime okay.chao! (: ![]() FIRST! i felt so awwwwed when i saw this. done by Atika,Kae. ehhh.i miss you mucchhh more oke. meet up soon when everyone's free again? and as you know im an honest girl, so wanna tell you that i stole this.hehe. takecare k babydoll girl.(: ohhh ohhh. maisarahhh! rinduu youuu.(:
oh yeahhh.
i deleted the previous post,dont ask why. i just feel like deleting it after reading. takkk pentingggg! okeeee.yesterday.. a girl named Atika came asking for a solo picture of myself. and im sooo curious of what she's up to. macam so random kannn. after a long timee never meet and chat, tibe tibe mintakk gambar.hah! ehhh but,seriously,i miss those days lahhh. i used to go out and be one of them. now,im none of them.haha.kesian kaperr raifana! okeokeee.about today pulakkk. suppose to go out,but malasss! heh! tired lahhh.so sleepy know. the marathon is starting again.10 weeks pulakk tuu. bleahhhh.attachment lahh.aiyahhh. all the best okee Raifana Bte Abdul Rahman. reminder,first day pleaseeee dont forget your nametag k. reminder only.heh. ten weeks should be fast lahh ehh.hope so. alright,enough. should get to bed now. goodnight kawans.dada. (: bytheway,Happy Belated Abdillah. |
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |