![]() okay first,thank you Eylaaa for at least updating. hahaha.do you feel honoured when your name's on my blog? cause actually i do.hehe.LOL.(: and also all the best for your N levels. you gonna get through it,i know. same goes to Nurul Afiqahhhh! study smart okay. (: next.was supposed to meet up BuBuFly ealier just now, but things went wrong. and im still figuring it out,what really went wrong. perhaps i'll know laterr when everything's okay. cheeerrr up honey! ohhhhh also Nor Fitri. calling me in the evening to meet up doesnt work okay. i was already freaking lazy.. once i got outta house,i wont be home. so,i would rather stay put at home. that's the best decision i've made.heh! and and! Baby Iman came today. it was indeed the right decision not to go out. hah! or else i would have missed him.heeeee. ehhhh.i think i should go to bed now. tomorrow morning going out.yeay! family day lahhh sehhh.exciteddd. alright alright. goodnight readers.dada! (:
Rules of the game:
-A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. -B) Tag people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. Ok, Lets start!! #1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? - first one,shocked. - last one,goodbye my lover. #2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be? -DREAM LIFE! #3. What will your dream wedding be like? - simple yet HAPPENING! (: #4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? - NO! in fact,im prepared. #5. What’s your ideal lover like? - a lover who loves me.(: #6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? - being loved by someone. :D #7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? - no idea! can i wait forever until he loves me? #8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? - BLESS HIM,of course! (: #9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? - yes,there is. #10.Who makes your day? - people who makes me laugh out loud? yeahhh! :D #11. Is being tagged fun? - yes for me.cause it occupies my boring moment.hee. #12. How do you see yourself in ten years time? - ohhhhhh! a 28 years old lady. who still has the same smile as now. #13. Who are currently the most important people to you? - like others,family comes first! - friends next. - and and! homies tooo! #14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? - OK GO GIRL! :D #15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor? - SINGLE & RICH BABEHHH! i dont want my family to suffer lahhhh. #16. What is the first thing you do every morning? - check phone. cause my phone rings everynight without me realising. (: #17. Would you give all in a relationship? - my horoscope say,i would. and yesssss! i will for sure! (: #18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? - the one who lovesss me? yarhhhh. #19. What type of friends do you like? - friends who can click with me. #20. Who do you miss now? - khaliddd! even tho i met him days back,i want the old him soon. (: - sidd also. - tweenie jugakkkk! and im happppppy doing this! thank you jahannnn! (: also known as,Syulala,by me.(: ok.better not.she'll whack me.hah!
21st of june,i went to meet these 3 buddies. had lunch at suntec Pastamania with Ali and Danny. Danny was too thirsty that she actually drank salt water. HAHA! verrrry funnnnnny. two of them went back to work. then,i went fetching Syulala from vivo. and meet the two of them after work at marina square. Syulala was hungry so we had supper at bencoolen. was so tireddd and that explains Syulala's looks.haha. ohhhhh it was kinda lateee then,so i went to meet homiees. because somehow if i were to go home, i would have to walk home half way.haha. so yea,1 plus am,reached destination and everyone was there. i was so tiredddd but couldnt stop their nonsense so burst out laughing whole night. due to that,two nights not homed.heh. just got home early morning just now. and i think have to stop this.tsk! time for bed now. goodnight friends. (:
Name 20 people you can think of right now.
Don't read the questions until you name them. At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this. Have FUN! 1.Sidd 2.Mohd Khalid 3.Tweenie 4.Nurul Fatin 5.Danny/Siti (: 6.Nor Syuhailah 7.AliAlMahir 8.Nicole 9.BuBuFly 10.Alif Ridhwan 11.Atikah (my singer) 12.Saiful 13.Iskandar (my dragon) 14.Jahan 15.Nabila (eyla kzerya) 16.Basit 17.Nor Fitri 18.Marianah 19.Khairul Anwar 20.Suzieanty A.) How did you meet 14? (Jahan) buumped into her in class? during secondaryyy schooool days.yea. (: B.) What would i do if i never met 1? (Sidd) oohhhmygooodnessss! i wouldnt know the meaning of FRIENDSHIP. C.) What if 9 & 20 dated? (BuBuFly & Suzie) ohhh no! BuBuFly loves Hafiz. while Suzie lovess..Taufiq? yarhhhh. D.) How about 6 & 17? (Syuhailah & Nor Fitri) two pretty straight girls dating each other? OMG! then the world would be coming to an end. E.) Describe 3. (Tweenie) - shorter than me. - attractive - talk more than i do - full or herself,or maybe,nonsense. - loves a girl name,raifana.(: F.) Is 8 Attractive? (Nicole) if my boyfriends sees her,they will go.. " phheeewweeettt! pretttty nyeeee! sorang je ke? nak pegi mane? " hahahahaha. G.) Describe 7. (AliAlMahir) like danny said.. " sometimes,Ali is just too overrr annnoying! " H.) Do you know any of 12's family members? (Saiful) alamakkkk! i dont know any of them. i only know he got abang,kakak,adik.yarhhh.heh.(: I.) What would you do if 18 confessed that he/she likes you? (Marianah) then i would confessed,i liiiiikeee you too babe. :D J.) What language does 15 speak? (Nabila) English & Melayu.that's all i know for now. ohhh ohhh.is indon consider a language? K.) Who is 9 going out with? (BuBuFly) HAFFIIIZZZ! L.) How old is 16? (Basit) errrr,wait! how old is my kakak? 23? yesss! 23 years old.eeeee.he's ooolddd! M.) When is the last time you spoke to 13? (Iskandar) last nighhhht babehhh.(: N.) What's 2's favourite band/singer? (Khalid) ohhhhh.A7X? that guy have got a lot of favourite singer/band. ask him,and he'll list it down.cause everything seems to be good for him. O.) Would you ever date 4? (Fatin) NO! cause her way of showing lovee to me is by abusing. so pleaseeee,fatin! im so sorry. haha. :D P.) Would you ever date 1? (Sidd) dated! Q.) Is 19 single? (Khairul Anwar) always singleeee.(: R.) What is 10's last name? (Alif) Alif Ridhwan Bin Mohd Salleh. so is it,Ridhwan/Salleh? S.) Would you ever date 11?(Atikah) yes yess! that's my opportunity to get her sing for me. :D T.) What is 3's School? (Tweenie) Nanyang Polytechnic. U.) Where does 16 live? (Basit) he's one of my homies. so it should be,Serangoon North? V.) What is 5's favourite thing? (Danny) im not sure,cause she've got loads of treasure. :D W.) Have you seen 2 naked? (Khalid) half naked? yessss! totally naked? nooooo! 1.BuBuFlyKambing. 2.TabbyCat 3.Jahan 4.Nabila (so she'll update her blog.) 5.DannyDope and now im here at this hour because i cant close my eyes and get myself into the LaLaland. it has been two hours left alone in the dark room, lay-ing on bed,staring at ceiling. i just did went over to tweenie's livejournal, whose post has really touched me. like what she said,it has been so long since we last catch up. for hasmidah,only you who had been in touch wimme. i feel so great everytime i see your name appear on my phone. i promise that i will really take good care of myself. and i hope it goes the same to youu too. all i wish now is to have a day out with you & those girls, whom i used to be close with. also,if you miss me so much,just know that, I MISS YOUU MOREEEE! (: and im also always here for you with an open arms. i loveee you tweeenie,very much.
haha.nyce kannn?! actually,mum woke me up. ajak to teman her for a visit. visitng aunt who's just lost her daughter, one and only daughter. i was alrdy crying in heart when entered house, as i saw the arwah's picture hanged on the wall. a pretty young lady aged 20 leaving her loved ones. ohhhhmyygoodness. maybe..ok nevermind. it already 2 plus PM. and i still have to wait for some people to wake up! eeeee.so gerrraaaammm you know! told them to go home and sleep early yesterday already. they know i dislik waiting and yet they make me wait. so typical homies lahhh cannn! lepak lepak at night,petang tidur.yaiiiikkkks! but ohhhhhh! i missss them alot. jumpe nanti oke.chao! (:
im blogggginnnnng! (:
seriously,i cant sit at home anymore. all i did was some housework,eat,zzzzzzz! LOL.pathetic! so,tomorrow,im going out. yeay! with two homie babes. and! we need to settle that homie thing asap ok! NEXT! errr..it's been few days and i've not figure out, what im thinking and what im feeling. ohhhhhh ohhhh.know what? i did went for hep B 2nd dose jab just now. unfortunately,was detained for some reasons. did some checks on me like a doll and thennn.. the doctor asked, " raifana,are you feeling stressed? " i was likeee, " huhhhh? " " do i loooook even like it? " *goes with wide smile and shooked head* funnny lahh the doctor! goes the same for the nurse who gave me the jab. i was wondering,what's with them? i went there smiling all the way, and they asked me that. i think they think im MAD! hah! nonsense! errrr..i suddenly feel tired, TSK! so i guesssss.. gooooodnighhht people! chao! (: Instructions: Remove one question from below, and add in your personal question, and bold it. Next,list 10 people whom you would want them to do this, at the end of the post. Notify them in their tag box that he/she had been tagged. 1. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you? - friends.(: 2. Are you tired? - i feel i am but i did nothing much. 3. What happened at 10am today? - i was in LaLaLand.(: 4. When did you last cry? - for me to know,for you to find out. 5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter? - BREAD! 6. What do you want in your life right now? - SUCCESS! 7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains,or just put your hood on? - put my hood on. 8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed? - heart shaped pillow - phone - spongebob bloster. 9. What bottom are you wearing now? - boxer. 10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say? " hey darling.hope things are doing well for you.(: just know that im always thinking of you, and if you need help,i'd always be around. do takecare.(: goodnight! lovees! " - tweenie. 11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? - off course not! 12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? - no. 13. What was the last movie you caught? - ' NO LIMIT. ' 14. What are you proud of? - someone. 15. What does the oldest text in your inbox say? " hey! i da nak masok NS tau, 6th june. takecare k. (: " - khalid. 16. What was the last song you sang out loud? - atas nama cinta..lalalala. (: 17. Do you have any nicknames? What are they? - efa. - fana. - kecik. - raifana de lempar! :D -adek. 18. What does your last received text msg say? Who is it from? " if im ok,do you thing i'll do all these silly things? " - khalid 19. What time did you go to bed last night? - 330am. 20. Are you currently happy? - not really. 21. Who gives you best advice? - mum. 22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? - i dislike whipped cream! 23. Who did you talked on the phone last night? - mohd khalid. - nor fitri. 24. Is anything bugging you right now? - actually,yes. 25. What/Who was the last thing/person that make you laugh? - HOMIES! (: 26. Do you wear toe socks? - NOOOO! 27. Who was the last person you missed a call from? - auntie. 28. Have you ever had your heart broken? - my heart is strong ok! 29. What annoys you most in a person? - attitude,if he/she annoys me with it. 30. Do you have a crush on anyone? - not for now. 31. Have you ever done cocaine? - NEVER! 32. What colour is your room? - creamy white. nyce right? heh! 33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar? - i wont. 34. Do you believe in a saying "talk in cheap" ? - never heard of that in the first place. LOL. (: 35. Who was the last person to lay in your bed? - RAIFANA BTE ABDUL RAHMAN! 36. Who was the last person to hug you? - alamakk! i forgot. 37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed? - guess so. 38. Do you have a life? - i do.do you? 39. Have you ever think someone died,when they didnt really? - ohhhh no! 40. What is the reason behind your profile song? - my profile no song. 41. Who was your last person you saw in your dream? - nicole or fatin,cant really remember. bad dream uhhhh. 42. Last time you smiled? - when i read BUBUFLY'S blog. 43. Have you change this year? - i dont think so.did i? 44. What are you listening to right now? - listening to mum's conversation.heh. 45. Are you talking to someone when you're doing this? - mum,just now. 46. Do you walked with your eyes open or closed? - eyes open wide,in case i trip.(: 47. Is there a quote you lived by? - YES! 48. Do you want someone you cant have? - nop! 49. Have you ever played an instrument? - yea babeh! yea babeh yea! 50. What was your worst idea you've had in weeks? - to avoid and ignore someone?hah! 51. What were you doing last night at 11pm? - on the phone. 52. Are you happy with your love life right now? - do i have a loveee life? heh. 53. What song describe your love life? - no song. 54. Does the person know you like him or her? - how to when i dont fancy anyone now. 55. Who always makes you laugh? - myself,cause i laugh at my own jokes. LOL. 56. Do you speak other language other than English? - YES! 57. Are you blond? - no lahh. 58. What's your middle name? - BTE? 59. What are you doing tommorow? - i dont know my future. 60. What do you think you're like? - what do you think im like? i guess im still a kid.(: 61. Who will you choose to die with? - i'd prefer to go alone. 62. Where have you been today? - nowhere yet. 63. What game you play often? - xbox.many many game. 64. Who are you missing right now? - girlfriends.ohhhhmy! 65. If you have to choose between friend and love,who will you choose? - depends on situation. might not choose both. 66. What are you doing right now? - this and helping mum with phone. cause something went wrong. 67. Which primary school are you from? - SERANGOON GARDEN SOUTH. which no longer exist. 68. What are the 3 colours you love? - orange. - white. -green. 69. What are you longing for? - to have a good carefree life. 70. What is life to you? - a game. 71. If you have something troubling you,what will you do? - i'll learn to calm down first. 72. Who did you last chat in msn today? - tabitha nicole tessensohn. 73. Which model of phone do you use? - W580i 74. Which month are you born in? - OCTOBERRRRR! 75. How are you feeling right now? - that's the thing.i dont know what im feeling. how? 76. What is the time now? - 4pm already. 77. Where are you now? - HOMIE! 78. What colour did you use to dye your hair? - never dye before. 79. Why are you doing this test? - cause im BUBUFLY'S victim. 80. What do you do when you're moody? - try to make myself smile.(: 81. At which age you wish to get married? - 25 maybe or older.yeahh. 82. Who is more important to you? Boyfriend/Friends? - the one i know longer. 83. Do you think you have enough confident? - tsk. not for now lahh. 84. Who is the person you trust most? - RAIFANA. (: 85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain? - YES! 86. If you can have a dream come true,what would it be? - to have magic powers! 87. What is your goal for this year? - to succeed in school for 1st year. 88. Do you believe in eternity love? - yes i do. 89. What feeling do you love most? - high? haha. 90. Do you really think it is Global Warming now? -yarhhh! 91. What feeling you hate the most? - dissapointment. 92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? - every single one of it. 93. Do you believe in God? - YES I DO! 94. Who cares for you the most? - MUMMY! 95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? - education and happiness. 96. What will you bring when you fight? - confidence. but i dont actually go for fights. 97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life? - letting ego take control of me. 98. What will you feel if no one longer cares for you? - ohhhhhh my gooodnnneeesss! 99. What if your stead two-timed you? - leave him then.(: 100. Who always gets your back? - siddd.khaliddd.(: victims: * DannyDope * DaniaDarwisyah * FaraheenYau * Hayati * Jahan * Kae * Maisarah ohhhhhhhhh! i almost forgot to blog about this. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEARESTS! uncle,cousins,niece.. it's their birthday this month. and i just knew my cousin's age. ohhhhmygoodness! she's getting old,older lahh.hah!
CHOCOLATETY! and they ended chalet this morning,
and now im starting not to know myself.
what's in my mind. what's with me. what's bothering me. and what exactly i am feeling. if i let it out,it's gonna be a long post. BUT! it's my blog anyway.heh! first,i had so many incoming calls today. i enjoy it. and soffi called me at midnight abt jersey. poor soffi.i always trouble her. and the rest of the calls are from childhood mates. and speaking of them, i met my hothot sweetheart days back. i thought it was something good meeting him. after a month missing,it still turn out to be bad. just as fatin and i thought,he really met up with an accident. the wound was already healing when he told me. and that was only after i saw his wound. accidents are his secrets. and problems just love making way to him. i have been wondering,why. and him leading his nonsense life, really makes me MAD! but when i tried placing myself in his position, watch him sleep for the night, spent two days to get everything right, i felt so useless. realising me treasuring him, by not helping but only adding problems. and at the same time,how much he appreciated me. TSK! that's me anyways,never helps but always add. to end the story, im asking myself to help him,even when i mad at him. because,i appreciate him alot. and also,I LOVE NURUL FATIN. random ehhhh.hah! now to end this post, goodnight readers. (:
it's been too lonnnngg oke.
and im not used to this. i really need to wish on a wishing star. but this time round,issit gonna help? goshhhh! annddd nurul fatin! I MISS YOU ALOTTT MORE OK. those "pinches of love". thank you for the listening ear, ohhhh.i mean,reading eye.(: i'll listen and wait. thank you dearest. maybe i should wish on a wishing star for you too. so that everything will be alright. tsk! ooohhhhhhhh mannnn! im lousy and feeling lousy. yeah oke,goodnight sweethearts.
one: i miss my hot hot sweetheart.
two: i need to avoid staying home. three: can i go have some fun someday? four: i waaannna spend time lepak-ing!!! five: i miiiissss bestiiiieeee! i do have soccer training tomorrow. should i or should i not go? yaiiiiiikkksss! i hate this!
time check : 11pm.
i wanna sleepppp! but i too wanna wait for the pending pictures. and omg! i've been non stop laughing with two ijiots. tabitha nicole tessensohn and nurul fatin! fatin talked about her hyder,while nicole about her izul. i just find izul funny.haha.haha.cousin's into asshole? and cycling with hyder? no! me and nicole will be going for picnic,oke nicole? hahaha.we dont wanna be lamp post. have fun oke nurul fatin! sometime soon gonna spend at nicole apartment,swimming? and when will that be uhh?fast fast oke.(: ehh ehh! now atikah's in.omg.how fun. the four of us,only without bubufly. talking about usesoap,yusoff actually.heh. now my life is like full of superstars.whoa! superstarts uhh.coool or what?! and im so gonna treasure these people. ok ok.that's it for tonight. pictures gotten!thank gawd.at last.hah! ohh yaahh. HASMIDAH HAMID. have fun oke.imy alot. and goodnight sweethearts. (:
Raifana,The Heroin. 25101990 I Like Orange & Green. Eyes are magnet to kickers. I wish for my wish to come true. And I was told to Believe in Myself. Tweenie(: AishaElle(: AlifRidhwan(: An'nadya(: AshLynn(: AtiQueeee! (: Bubufly(: DannyDope(: FaraheenYau(: Haziqah(: Jahan(: Kae(: KawairashiAtikah(: Maisarah(: Nabila(: Raihan(: TabbyTha(: Yanti(: LiveJournal Blogger Blogskin February 2008 l March 2008 l April 2008 l May 2008 l June 2008 l July 2008 l August 2008 l September 2008 l October 2008 l November 2008 l December 2008 l January 2009 l February 2009 l March 2009 l April 2009 l May 2009 l June 2009 l July 2009 l August 2009 l designed by: dreamwalker powered by: blogger game scripted by: Lancer picture from: StockStash |